[경제]Last year, household loans increased by more than 100 trillion…

The sharp rise in credit loans has been settled by’joining household loans’
Decrease in corporate loans last December… Small business loan ↑
Debt ratio for restaurants and lodging facilities, 216% in the third quarter of last year


Last year, household loans increased by more than 100 trillion.

As the demand for living funds from Corona 19 overlapped with the’younger’ and’debt investment’ for real estate and stock investment, it increased to a record high.

Reporter Lee Jong-soo on the report.


According to the Bank of Korea, as of the end of December last year, the balance of household loans at the bank was 988 trillion won.

An increase of 10 trillion won from a year ago, the largest increase since statistics were compiled in 2004.

Among household loans, mortgage loans such as cheonsei loans increased by KRW 68.3 trillion a year, the largest increase since 2015’s KRW 70 trillion.

Other loans, including credit loans, increased by KRW 32 trillion, the highest ever.

[윤옥자 / 한국은행 금융시장국 시장총괄팀 과장 : 전국적으로 주택거래 매매가 크게 증가 했고 전세가격이 상승세를 보이면서 전세자금을 마련하려는 대출이 늘어났습니다 한편으로는 공모주 청약이라던가 코로나 19 관련 하여 생활자금을수요를 확보 하려는 대출들도 가세해서….]

The surge in credit loans in December of last year has subsided due to the tightening of household loans by the financial authorities.

However, in the same period, household loans related to housing, including all household loans, increased by nearly 7 trillion won due to the rise in jeonse prices.

In December of last year, corporate loans decreased by KRW 5.6 trillion from November, but loans increased by KRW 1.9 trillion when looking at individual businesses centered on small business owners.

In this regard, the debt ratio of accommodation facilities and restaurants mainly operated by small business owners jumped from the mid-100% average to 216% in the third quarter of last year, recording a record high.

YTN Jongsoo Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
