[경제]Last year, exports rebounded at the last minute…


Last month, Korea’s exports exceeded $50 billion in two years, showing a last-minute recovery.

On an annual basis, it declined for two years in a row, but the government expects exports to recover this year based on competitiveness in the manufacturing industry.

Reporter Kim Jang-ha on the report.


The hot metal water is constantly spouting out.

This is a steelmaking process that turns iron ore into molten water with 2,000 degrees of heat.

It produces 47,000 tons per day, and 17 million tons per year.

That’s the amount that could make 17 million passenger cars.

[박상우 / 포스코 파이넥스2공장 사원 : 이곳 파이낸스 공장은 신기술이 우선적으로 도입되고 있는 공장이라서 더욱 자부심과 긍지를 느끼면서 근무하고 있습니다.]

First day of the new year

In Busan New Port, a large crane loads containers onto a ship.

Freight cars are also constantly transporting containers.

[박호철 / 부산항만공사 글로벌사업단장 : 부산항이 세계 주요 6대 환적항만 중에 환적화물이 3% 증가했습니다. 부산항이 가지고 있는 고유한 장점들이 코로나 팬더믹 상황에서 잘 발휘가 됐기 때문에 가능했습니다.]

Exports, which were hit hard by the aftermath of Corona 19, are gradually recovering.

Exports last month exceeded $50 billion in two years at a rate of 12.6% and double-digit growth.

It is the highest level of all December exports, and it has increased for two consecutive months in 25 months.

In particular, exports of semiconductors increased by 30%, with 11 out of 15 items showing positives.

[성윤모 / 산업통상자원부 장관 : 특히 지난해 12월에는 수출 500억 달러를 2년 만에 달성했습니다. 우리 수출이 본격적으로 회복세로 돌아섰다고 할 수 있겠습니다.]

On an annual basis, exports are negative for two consecutive years.

The trade balance was close to $46 billion, recording a surplus for 12 consecutive years.

The government remains uneasy, such as the re-proliferation of Corona 19 and the US-China conflict, but expects that our export performance will improve from last year if the global economy gradually recovers.

This is YTN Kim Jang-ha.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
