[경제]Kospi breaks record high in’biden’s inauguration’…3,160 deadline

Foreigners, net purchase of over 200 billion won… Leading the rise of the KOSPI
Samsung Electronics last minute strong 1.03% ↑… 88,000 won deadline
Non-face-to-face stocks are strong… Naver 4.71%, Kakao 2.25% ↑
KOSDAQ, 3.74 points·0.38% ↑… 981.40 deadline


The KOSPI rose for the third consecutive day, hitting an all-time high based on the closing price.

With the news of the inauguration of US President Joe Biden, investment sentiment rose amidst Samsung Electronics’ last-minute strength and rise, leading the reporting price.

Reporter Lee Jong-soo on the report.


The KOSPI hit the closing price high in 9 trading days.

The KOSPI finished at 3,160.84, up 46.29 points and 1.49% from the previous day, marking a new closing price.

Based on the closing price, the previous high was 3152.19, which was recorded on the 8th.

Foreigners bought over 200 billion won, leading the KOSPI rise.

Samsung Electronics, the boss of the KOSPI, was weak throughout the market and then gained more than 1%, leading to a new high.

The news of the inauguration of US President Joe Biden showed that the investor sentiment came alive.

[정명지 / 삼성증권 투자정보팀장 : 바이든 대통령이 취임했다는 것, 거기에 대한 희망이라 할 수 있을 것 같고. (미 재무장관 지명자)옐런이 그동안 시장에서 걱정했던 규제에 대해선 후 순위로 미룬다는 발언을 했고요.반면에 경기부양 규모에 대해서는 강한 의지를 피력했습니다.]

The strength of US technology companies such as Netflix led to the rise of domestic non-face-to-face representatives such as Naver 4.71% and Kakao 2.25%.

Regarding electric vehicles, Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Motors also contributed to the index increase by closing at 264,000 won, up 2% or more, and 91,000 won, up 4%, respectively.

LG Electronics closed a deal at 185,000 won, a 10.78% rise, and the market cap increased by 6 trillion won over two days to 30 trillion won after the sale of the mobile division.

The KOSDAQ finished with 981.4, up 0.38%.

YTN Jongsoo Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
