[경제]’It’s a 10 gig contract, but the speed is 1/100th’…KT apologizes belatedly


The controversy is growing as a famous YouTuber recently claimed that the internet speed of KT he signed up for has dropped to 1/100 of the speed originally contracted.

As the complaints and suspicions of subscribers using the same Internet service grew, KT belatedly apologized, but the wave is not easily subside.

Reporter Shin Yoon-jung on the report.


It is a channel operated by famous IT YouTubers.

They claim that the speed of KT’s Internet service they are using is much lower than they actually are.

I subscribed to the 10GB Internet, and when I measured the actual speed, it was only 100Mbps, which is 1/100th level.

[유튜버 ‘잇섭’ : 저희 스튜디오 인터넷이 10Gbps가 아닌 100Mbps로 서비스되고 있다는 것을 아주 우연히 발견했습니다.]

Afterwards, KT did not come up with a clear solution and watched, and Internet users’ complaints and suspicions grew.

As the controversy grew, KT belatedly apologized.

We admitted that there was an error in setting the speed information during the expansion and replacement of Internet equipment.

At the same time, we promised a reduction in rates for subscribers with speed errors.

However, despite KT’s apology, controversy continues in that general subscribers have no way of knowing the speed or quality of the Internet they subscribe to.

[통신업계 관계자(음성변조) : 제일 큰 문제는 어차피 고객이 속도를 측정하는 게 어렵기 때문에 애당초 가입할 때 그 서비스가 가능한지를 기업이 정직하고 정확하게 파악해서 가격을 제시해야 된다는 거죠.]

As the controversy grew, the Korea Communications Commission announced that it would enter into sanctions against KT if a problem was found after checking the facts.

This is YTN Shin Yoon-jung.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
