[경제]Income distribution deteriorated for two consecutive quarters…work and business income for three consecutive quarters↓


Income polarization is intensifying.

Income from the bottom 20% of households increased slightly with government policy funding, but the income of the top 20% increased further.

With fewer jobs and sluggish self-employment, earned income and business income went back for the third consecutive quarter.

Reporter Oh In-seok on the report.


The cold wave of the job market following the re-proliferation of Corona 19 has left more scars on the lower income class.

As temporary and daily jobs fell significantly in the fourth quarter of last year, the income earned by working in the lowest quintile households decreased by 13.2%.

The second quartile also decreased by 5.6%.

In contrast, households in the quintile with the highest income rose 1.8%.

However, the government’s second disaster subsidies supported the lower income bracket.

Income from relocating households in the first and second quintiles increased by 16.5% and 15.9%, respectively, due to emergency livelihood support funds and employment security support funds.

The gap between the upper and lower income groups widened for the second consecutive quarter.

The average monthly income of households in the first quintile increased by 1.7% to 1.64 million won, while the fifth quintile increased by 2.7% to 11.26 million won.

The quintile ratio of equalized disposable income, a representative distribution indicator, increased by 0.08 times in the fourth quarter, deteriorating for the second consecutive quarter.

Even with the government’s screening support, the K-shaped polarization could not be prevented, and the income imbalance was worsening.

[정동명 / 통계청 사회통계국장 : 공적 이전 소득이 22.7% 증가하면서 모든 분위의 가구 소득을 떠받쳐 줬고, 또 특히 10월에 추석 연휴가 되면서 사적 이전 소득이 30% 증가하면서 전체 소득은 조금 증가한 것으로 나타난 것 같습니다.]

With fewer jobs and a slump in the self-employed industry, earned income and business income have stepped back for the first three quarters in a row since statistics were written.

Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki said that the government is deeply aware of the point that polarization is intensifying due to the prolonged corona crisis, speeding up the first supplementary work, and providing more than 900,000 jobs directly by the end of March.

Consumer spending fell 0.1% in the fourth quarter, showing households still strangled.

Consumption related to face-to-face service such as clothing and footwear, entertainment and culture, food and lodging, etc. has decreased significantly.

YTN Oh Inseok[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
