[경제]In the’contactless era’, semiconductors with wings are likely to enter the’super boom’ next year

‘Rice in the electronics industry’ semiconductors, increasing exports in the non-contact era
Samsung, change generation with personnel… SK hynix expands its organization
Expected to enter’Super Cycle’ in the new year… Economic recovery·5G expansion
“Semiconductor demand and unit price rise…profitability expansion prospect”


From the second half of this year, semiconductor exports have gained wings, leading the economic recovery in Korea, which has sunk due to Corona 19.

As the non-contact era around the world continues next year, the economy is expected to recover in earnest, so there is a possibility that the semiconductor industry will enter a super boom.

Reporter Cho Yong-seong reports.


A semiconductor that is essential for most electronic devices that have rapidly increased in demand in the non-contact era.

Semiconductors, called’rice in the electronics industry’, account for 20% of Korea’s exports, but overseas sales are on the rise.

Last month, it showed a double-digit growth rate of 26.4% for three consecutive months, and it is expected to continue strong this month and continue to grow for six consecutive months.

[김양팽 / 산업연구원 전문연구원 : 메모리 반도체 자체를 만들고 있는 세계적인 기업 삼성전자, SK하이닉스, 마이크론이 시장의 90% 이상 차지하고 있기 때문에 메모리 반도체에서 삼성전자와 SK하이닉스, 둘 다 크게 매출을 발생시키고 있는 부분입니다.]

Companies are moving fast to sustain rapid growth next year.

Samsung Electronics appoints a vice president, which has enhanced semiconductor competitiveness, as its head, to complete the generational change, and SK Hynix decided to acquire Intel’s NAND division and expanded its organization.

The government also promised to intensively nurture the so-called’Big 3 Industries’, including system semiconductors, with the goal of securing the world’s No. 1 competitiveness.

[홍남기 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 (제1차 혁신성장 BIG3 추진회의) : 최근 반도체 생산시설 구축투자와 관련하여 용수공급·폐수처리 등 관련 인프라 구축이 신속히 진행되도록 지자체 등과 협의해 조속히 지원해 나가겠습니다. 첨단 반도체 R&D 투자를 조세특례제한법상에 신성장·원천기술에 추가하여 R&D 비용 세액공제 우대를 적용토록 하겠습니다.]

In the new year, the semiconductor business is expected to enter the so-called’supercycle’, which means an ultra-boom.

Next year, record growth is expected as contactless spread, economic recovery trend, and 5G mobile communication industry expansion overlap.

The Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency predicts that demand for memory semiconductors will increase by 19% for DRAM and 34% for NAND flash, and profitability will increase as prices rise.

However, concerns over economic fluctuations caused by Corona 19 are considered to be an unsettling factor, as the conflict between the U.S. and China is growing even more, such as the continued export blockade for Huawei, a major retailer of Samsung and SK Hynix.

YTN Quiet Seong[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
