[경제]Hong Nam-ki, with his head down, “Review of the real estate registration system… Must return speculation profits”

Hong Nam-ki “Regrets to the public…Non-tolerance measures when confirming speculation”
“We will correct the past with this incident.”
LH President and Minister of Homeland and Deputy Prime Minister repeatedly apologize


Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki bowed his head over allegations of speculation by LH employees and said he would take measures with zero tolerance if speculation was confirmed.

At the same time, he emphasized that the real estate registration system, etc., was established to prevent recurrence, and that the real estate speculative profits would be recovered.

Reporter Shin Yoon-jung reports.


Real Estate Ministers’ Meeting held on the morning of the holiday three days ahead of the original schedule!

First, Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki bowed his head saying he was terrible about the allegations of land speculation by LH employees, saying he regretted the public.

He said he took this situation very seriously and said that if real estate speculation is confirmed, it will be taken without tolerance.

[홍남기 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 (어제) : 공공부문이 행태 일탈로 신뢰를 잃으면 정책신뢰가 흔들릴 수 있기 때문에 그 일탈책임은 매우 무거운 것입니다. 고통스럽더라도 도려낼 것은 과감히 도려내겠습니다.]

Deputy Prime Minister Hong said that he would surely correct his past mistakes and suggested measures to prevent recurrence.

In principle, employees of ministries and agencies related to land development or housing business restricted land transactions and made them report when inevitable.

In addition, in order to strengthen internal control, it was decided to consider introducing a regular monitoring system such as the real estate registration system.

Deputy Prime Minister Hong stressed that it should never be tolerated to pursue private interests using public offices, and emphasized the redemption of unfair gains.

[홍남기 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 (어제) : 부당하게 얻은 이득은 반드시 환수되도록 하여 다시는 그와 같은 시도가 발붙이지 못하도록 하겠습니다.]

After acting as the president of LH and the head of the economy, following the minister of land and land, he repeatedly apologized and promised to prepare a work-breaking system and prevent recurrence!

Interest is being drawn to the findings of the joint investigation team, which will be released this week, whether the investigation will not stop the investigation to alleviate the growing uprising.

YTN Shin Yoon-jung[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
