[경제]’Fuel cost linkage’ sending electricity bills…will be expensive from the second half of the year


Starting today (11), a new electricity bill with the fuel cost indexing system was sent to each household.

This bill introduces new fuel cost adjustment fees and environmental costs that were not previously available.

Reporter Cho Yong-seong reports.


Electricity bills, formulated in a different way, began to be sent.

The biggest change is that fuel cost indexing is applied.

Charges rise and fall depending on the price of fuel used by KEPCO to generate electricity.

The average fuel cost for the year is compared with the fuel cost for the last three months and the difference is reflected in the electricity bill.

Assuming that a four-person household uses 350 kWh of electricity per month on average, the combined climate rate from this bill is separately indicated, and the rate is expected to drop by about 1,050 won compared to the previous year due to fuel costs.

Due to the low oil prices last year, electricity bills are expected to decrease for the time being, but they are expected to rise from the second half of the year.

This is because oil prices have recovered to the level before the spread of Corona 19 in the new year, and are expected to rise further in the future.

[이석기 / 한국석유공사 석유정보센터 차장 : 지난해 말 코로나19 백신 접종이 시작되면서 유가가 배럴당 50달러를 돌파했고요, 석유수요가 살아날 수 있다는 기대가 제기되면서 상승 추세를 보일 것으로 다수 기관이 전망하고 있습니다.]

In addition, the discount on the mandatory housing use deduction, which was applied mainly to upper-middle income and single-family households, has been reduced by half from the second half of the year, and will be abolished after a year.

YTN Quiet Seong[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
