[경제]From next year, bitcoin revenue and tax will be lifted by 20%…Investor complaints

Bitcoin price hits daily highs… Open Investment↑
The government will also tax profits on investment in virtual assets from next year
Cryptocurrency Investor Dissatisfaction “Stock and Tax Equity Problem”


The cryptocurrency investment fever is hot, with the domestic transaction price of Bitcoin breaking the highest every day.

In the meantime, voices of dissatisfaction are coming out as the government decides the tax policy for virtual assets starting next year.

Reporter Kim Tae-min.


The fiercely heated cryptocurrency investment fever has not cooled down.

Over the weekend, the domestic bitcoin transaction price once exceeded the 65 million won mark, recording a daily high.

In fact, the opening of a Bitcoin bank account also showed a significant increase since last month.

In the meantime, the government decided to impose taxes on the profits obtained from investing in virtual assets through the revision of the tax law last year.

For example, if you earned a profit of 10 million won by trading cryptocurrency, you will have to pay 20% of the remaining amount and 1.5 million won as tax from next year after subtracting 2.5 million won.

However, voices of dissatisfaction have already emerged among cryptocurrency investors about this policy.

Financial investment income from stock trading is exempted from tax up to 50 million won, while excessive taxes are levied only on virtual currencies of similar nature.

In response, the government has not yet seen a precedent for recognizing virtual currency as a financial asset.

Experts also point out that there are still many limitations in activating virtual asset investment through tax benefits.

[김우철 / 서울시립대학교 세무학과 교수 : 주식은 어떻든 자본시장에서 자본을 직접 조달해주는 중요한 상품이잖아요. 아직 암호 화폐는 여전히 어떤 기능을 하게 될지 아직은 명확하지 않거든요. 정부가 이쪽에 투자를 장려하는 목적으로 그런 접근은 여기서 할 수가 없어요.]

Even today, the evaluation of the future of cryptocurrency is sharply mixed between world-class scholars and financial experts.

Accordingly, controversy over the nature of virtual assets and their taxation is also expected to continue for the time being.

YTN Kim Taemin[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
