[경제]First short bidding for imported eggs…made in the US released on the market today


While the price of eggs continued to surge, with a plate of 30 eggs exceeding 7,000 won, the first short bidding for 60 tons of US-made eggs was held.

This American egg is expected to be released on the market as early as today, but it is noteworthy that the price of eggs could be somewhat stabilized.

Reporter Gye Hoon-hee reports.


The Korea Agriculture and Fisheries Food Distribution Corporation, which was entrusted with the egg import business from the government, held an auction bid for 60 tons of US eggs.

One million, 800 60g eggs are equivalent to 3,3360 eggs of 30 eggs per plate.

Given that Korea’s average production of eggs per day is about 46 million, it is 2.1%, not a large amount.

U.S. eggs can be purchased by confectioners and bakers with high egg consumption and by distributors selling eggs directly to consumers.

You can get the quantity from the company that offered the highest price.

[김병석 / 농수산식품공사 수급관리처 부장 : 농수산물 비축사업 실시요령에 의해서 최고가 경쟁 입찰로 추진하고요. 물량이 우선이 아닌, 가격을 우선으로 낙찰 처리를 할 계획입니다.]

Hypermarkets say they will have to watch the speed of AI spread and the number of poultry being buried, but they have no plans to sell imported eggs at this time.

An industry insider explained that the situation is not short enough to sell imported eggs right away.

However, if imported eggs are released on the market soon, the overall supply will increase, which will help stabilize egg prices to some extent.

[김명수 / 한국농촌경제연구원 : 계란 수입으로 매몰 처분에 따른 공급 감소분을 일부 상쇄하게 될 경우, 계란 가격은 현재 수준보다는 조금 더 안정될 것으로 전망됩니다.]

At the same time, the tariff on imports of eggs and processed egg products is temporarily exempted, so we are interested in whether the price surge will be reduced.

YTN Kye Hoon-hee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
