[경제]Financial products’refund’ possible…non-face-to-face product services stop in line


The Financial Consumer Protection Act, which guarantees consumers a wide range of rights such as withdrawal and refunds, went into effect yesterday.

However, the non-face-to-face product sales services of major commercial banks have been discontinued, causing inconvenience to users.

Reporter Lee Jong-soo reports why.


KB Kookmin Bank’s Smart Teller Machine STM.

STM’s new deposit and withdrawal bankbook making service, which allows new and reissuance of bankbooks and check cards for cash withdrawal, has been discontinued.

In accordance with the Enforcement of the Financial Consumer Protection Act, when creating a new deposit and withdrawal passbook, it is necessary to give the customer terms and conditions and product descriptions, but this is not possible.

The bank explained that the financial authorities were not prepared in time due to the late preparation of related regulations and guidelines, but the user had to suffer inconvenience.

[이선영 / 서울 영등포구 여의도동 : 기계가 이미 있는데도 불구하고 이용을 하고 있는데 이렇게 되니까 일단 너무 당황스럽고 누구를 위한 법인지 생각이 들고…]

Among the services like STM, Shinhan Bank also discontinued product new/cancellation services, and Woori Bank also stopped some kiosk functions such as new sales of deposits and funds.

Hana Bank also temporarily suspended the transaction of new and rebalancing funds for the AI ​​robo-advisor service.

The Financial Consumers Act and the Financial Consumption Act are intended to guarantee a wide range of consumer rights, but they are causing such inconvenience in the early stages of implementation.

The gold law allows insurance and loan products, etc., to be withdrawn freely within a certain period of time.

Financial products can also withdraw their intention to subscribe and get the money back.

For insurance products, you can withdraw the subscription within 15 days from the date of receipt of the insurance policy or 30 days from the subscription date, whichever is earlier, and for investment products and loan products, within 7 days and 14 days from the date of signing the contract, respectively.

If a financial company violates the sales principles, such as recommending appropriate products and explaining the possibility of fluctuations in profits, the illegal contract can be terminated within one year from the date of knowledge of the violation.

If financial companies violate the prohibition of unfair business practices or advertising regulations, punitive penalties up to 50% of related income will be imposed.

YTN Jongsoo Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
