Housing prices continue to rise despite the August 4 supply measures
Securing as much as possible housing sites in Seoul and metropolitan areas… Speed of deregulation
Public redevelopment, high-density development in the station area, etc.
Interest in ways to lift green belts to secure housing sites in the city center
The government’s supply measures to reduce the overheating of the real estate market by expanding housing supply are expected to emerge this week as early as possible.
Deregulation to secure new housing sites in the city center where housing can be built, and to shorten the occupancy time as much as possible is being discussed as the core content.
Reporter Kim Hyun-woo’s report.
In May last year, the government came up with measures to supply the metropolitan area through public redevelopment.
In August, it was decided to provide additional 130,000 households in the metropolitan area by discovering new sites such as Taereung Golf Course.
Despite the government’s successive measures, housing prices continue to rise, stimulating the buying sentiment of young people.
Eventually, even the president came to order to prepare supply measures for housing stability.
[문재인 대통령(신년사, 지난 11일) : 주거 문제의 어려움으로 낙심이 큰 국민들께는 매우 송구한 마음입니다. 주거 안정을 위해 필요한 대책 마련을 주저하지 않겠습니다.]
With the announcement of the 25th real estate countermeasures imminent, the core of this supply countermeasure is expected to be in two main ways.
After securing as much land as possible to build houses, various regulations are released to speed up.
Public redevelopment of metropolitan areas such as Seoul, development of station areas, and drastic development of new residential sites are being discussed as core contents.
In detail, the method of developing more dense housing is a method that expands the range of the current 350m area around subway stations to a radius of 500m and increases the floor area ratio of the station area.
In addition, a plan to lift the green belt around the city center, which is called the so-called’green house zone’ and has a low protection value, is also being transmitted as a subject of review.
In particular, the government has decided to minimize various licensing procedures to compensate for the fact that it takes a considerable amount of time for such supply measures to lead to actual occupancy.
[변창흠 / 국토교통부 장관(지난 7일) : 민간 협력을 통해서 패스트트랙(신속처리 제도)을 적용해서 주택을 신속하게 공급하겠다는 겁니다. 그래서 중앙정부와 지자체가 제도개선과 인허가 절차를 지원하고….]
Experts point out that countermeasures should also be taken to block the inflow of speculative forces resulting from large-scale housing site development in the city center.
[권대중 / 명지대학교 부동산학과 교수 : 유동성 자금의 저금리가 지속하기 때문에 투기 세력이 들어올 수 있습니다. 이런 걸 사전에 차단하면서 발표했으면 좋겠어요. 발표하고 차단할 게 아니라 사전에 차단과 발표를 동시에 한다면 투기가 일어나지 않을 수 있는데….]
Prior to this, the government announced its intention to give up, saying that’Heukseok District 2′, which is considered the most inexpensive among candidate sites for public redevelopment projects in downtown Seoul, announced on the 15th could not secure business feasibility, and the government’s last minute thoughts ahead of the announcement of additional supply measures were deep. Are losing.
YTN Kim Hyun-woo[[email protected]]is.
[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]