[경제]Eco-friendly’hydrogen economy’ investment bot…’Alliance’ to build an ecosystem


Investments in hydrogen, which are more energy-efficient without emitting carbon, are starting to burst.

Companies are actively expanding their strides by actively joining hands to build an ecosystem for the hydrogen economy.

Reporter Lee Kwang-yeop.


SK Group decided to build a large-scale facility in the Incheon Petrochemical Complex to produce liquefied hydrogen.

‘Byproduct hydrogen’, an eco-friendly hydrogen additionally produced in the petrochemical process, is processed into a liquid form and supplied to hydrogen cars.

[추형욱 / SK E&S 사장 : 2023년에 이 공장이 완공되면 전 세계 최대의 친환경 액화수소 플랜트가 인천에서 가동됩니다.]

Hyundai Motor Group is building a hydrogen fuel cell system production base in Guangzhou, China for the first time overseas.

Hyundai Motor Company and SK, the second and third place in the business world, have formed an alliance to promote the ecosystem of the hydrogen business, which is the future growth engine.

As such, Hyundai Motor Company, SK, POSCO, Hanwha, and Hyosung all invest 43 trillion won in hydrogen economy by 2030.

In Korea, 10,000 hydrogen cars have been supplied until last year, leading the world to the world’s No. 1 hydrogen car sales.

However, it has been a structural problem that the supply of green hydrogen has been lagging in the past, but this year investment has been in full swing.

The government is planning to build hydrogen industrial complexes in Incheon, Saemangeum, and Ulsan for the transition to a hydrogen economy.

[정세균 / 국무총리 (지난 2일) : 우리나라는 수소 활용 분야에서 세계 최고 수준의 경쟁력을 보유하고 있습니다. 이에 더해 수소 생산·유통 등 산업 전반의 균형 있는 발전이 필요합니다.]

At the moment, the shortage of only 70 hydrogen charging stations is holding back the business acceleration, so the expansion of the base is the most urgent.

[김민수 / 서울대 기계공학과 교수 : (수소차) 수출도 지금 승용차뿐만 아니라 트럭도 시작하고 있는 그런 단계에서 (충전소) 국내 기반은 지금 상당히 미흡하다, 이렇게 보고 있는데요.]

Hydrogen is a big advantage in that it is not affected by bad weather such as heavy snowfall, so if the value chain from supply to utilization is well established, it is expected to become an energy source that gradually replaces oil and coal.

YTN Lee Kwang-yeop[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
