[경제]’Declaration of Independence’ in the Pre-Semiconductor Supply Crisis…The Key is Technology

Shortage of semiconductors… Production impact of Hyundai Motors G80 and Ioniq 5
Technology is the key… Uncertainty about competitiveness when localizing semiconductors


The global shortage of automotive semiconductors has started to sound a warning sound in Korea as well.

The government considers the situation to be serious and is pursuing localization in the long term, but success or failure depends on technology.

Reporter Cho Yong-seong reports.


Hyundai Motor Company started to adjust the production speed, centering on the models that received orders, such as the Genesis G80.

Ioniq 5, an electric vehicle that uses a relatively large amount of semiconductors, is about to go beyond the wall of labor-management agreement and is about to be produced in earnest, but it is unclear whether it will proceed as planned.

This is because the global semiconductor shortage continues.

[강경성 / 산업부 산업정책실장(지난 4일) : 차량용 반도체 수급이 불안정한 상황입니다. 또한 미국의 한파, 일본의 지진 등 예측 불가능한 천재지변으로 차량용 반도체 수급에 대한 우려가 점차 심해지고 있습니다.]

The government came up with multifaceted measures within a week after creating a public-private consultative body for resolution.

In the short term, corona vaccinations are given to businessmen who go out to obtain semiconductors, and import customs clearance is also rapidly carried out.

In the long run, we invest 200 billion won on the localization of core semiconductors for future vehicles, and support converting semiconductor facilities for home appliances and mobiles into vehicles.

[홍남기 / 경제부총리·기획재정부 장관 (혁신성장 BIG3 추진회의) : 차량용 반도체가 자동차 산업의 핵심 부품이고, 앞으로 미래차 전환으로 수요도 급증하고 있어서 단기적 수급 불안 해소와 함께 중장기적인 공급망 개선 및 시장 선점이 절실한 상황입니다.]

The problem is production technology that cannot be solved in a short period of time.

Korean companies are making memory semiconductors at the center, and vehicle semiconductors rely on 98% of them overseas.

When the semiconductor shortage, which caused the demand forecast to be misaligned, subsides, it is not clear whether the domestic automotive semiconductors will be competitive.

[김양팽 / 산업연구원 전문연구원 : 내구성이라든지 안전성이 확보가 되어야 하는 부분인데 단기간에 우리나라가 차량용 반도체를 만든다 하더라도 거기에 대한 신뢰성이나 테스트라든지 그런 기간들이 축적된 것이 없으니까 좀 불리한 부분이 있거든요.]

The challenge of localizing semiconductors for eco-friendly future cars, which is different from internal combustion engine cars, faces challenges that must overcome technological barriers.

YTN Quiet Seong[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
