[경제]Crisis turns into opportunity… Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics writes 36 trillion times


Even in the aftermath of Corona 19 last year, Samsung Electronics recorded an operating profit of close to 36 trillion won thanks to semiconductor propaganda.

With longer stays at home and higher demand for home appliances, LG Electronics achieved record highs in both sales and operating profit.

This is reporter Lee Ji-eun.


The money Samsung Electronics earned last year was about 36 trillion won.

It has increased by nearly 30% compared to 2019, before Corona 19.

Sales amounted to 236.2 trillion won, the third largest ever.

In the era of Corona 19, demand for semiconductors, the flagship item, surged due to the revitalization of the non-face-to-face economy, and TVs and home appliances also achieved good results.

[노근창 / 현대차증권 리서치센터장 : 2019년 대비 실적이 개선된 배경은 상반기에 있었던 반도체 가격 상승, 여기에 비대면 마케팅 비중 상승에 따른 완제품(스마트폰·TV·생활가전) 사업부의 수익성이 개선된 것이 가장 큰 원인으로 분석하고 있습니다.]

In the fourth quarter alone, operating profit was 9 trillion won and sales were 61 trillion won, which was short of the third quarter, which recorded a’surprising performance’.

It is analyzed that the re-proliferation of Corona 19 in Europe and the fall in the value of the won have been affected.

However, the outlook for this year is positive as the semiconductor market, which leads Samsung Electronics’ earnings, is expected to boom.

[김양팽 / 산업연구원 전문연구원 : 개인용 소비시장이 코로나가 장기화되면서 계속 위축되어있던 부분들이 다시 되살아나고 있는 상황입니다. 비대면 사회가 일상화되고 있으니까 그 분야에 대한 수요는 계속 또 증가할 것으로 보여집니다.]

With the so-called’pent-up’ effect of a prolonged’zipcock’ life and the reviving of the repressed demand, the demand for home appliances surged, and LG Electronics’ performance also blew up.

Last year, LG Electronics recorded a record record of 63 trillion won in sales and 3 trillion won in operating profit for the first time.

YTN Lee Ji-eun[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
