[경제]’Corona loan’ extended maturity and interest deferred additional extension until September

Excluding insolvent companies such as delinquent principal and interest, capital encroachment, and closure of business
Third additional extension by 6 months due to prolonged COVID-19
Financial Services Commission also offers long-term amortization plans for principal and interest and interest


Measures to extend the maturity of loans and postpone interest repayment for SMEs and small business owners who have been difficult to manage due to the Corona 19 outbreak will be extended for another 6 months.

Even after such financial support is over, the government has to pay back principal and interest in long-term so as to reduce the burden on borrowers.

For more details, reporter Lee Jong-soo reports.


The Financial Services Commission said it has decided to re-extend the corona loan maturity and interest repayment deferral until the end of September.

Accordingly, small and medium-sized businesses or small business owners suffering from Corona 19 can apply for an extension of the principal repayment maturity and interest deferment for 6 months for loans that expire before September 30 of this year.

However, there should be no delinquency in principal, delinquency, capital erosion, or closure of business.

Earlier, the financial authorities and the financial sector implemented a six-month extension of loan maturity and a deferment of interest repayment from April 1 of last year, and then extended it by six months once. I decided to extend it.

Along with this, the Financial Services Commission has also proposed a’soft landing plan’ that allows the principal and interest to be paid off for a long period of time so that the burden on the loan situation does not lump at the same time even after the grace period is over.

[권대영 / 금융위원회 금융산업국장 : 차주에게 최적의 장기 분할 프로그램을 컨설팅하고 이 과정에서 이자에 대한 이자는 받지 않도록 했습니다.]

In addition, if you want to repay earlier than the original repayment plan, we have made it possible without interim repayment fees.

After consulting and consultation, the final repayment method and period were decided by the lender and the borrower.

The Financial Services Commission explained that it would prevent this through thorough monitoring, etc., regarding concerns that such measures could lead to increased insolvency of companies that are unable to pay interest.

[권대영 / 금융위원회 금융산업국장 : 부실이 발생하지 않도록 카드사용 내역이라든지 공과금 내용, 또는 현장방문을 통해 부실을 모니터링하고 있으며 이번에 연착륙 방안을 병행하여 기업들이 정상적으로 가도록 지원하고 있습니다.]

Until the end of January of this year, the entire financial sector has provided KRW 130 trillion in total, including KRW 121 trillion for maturity extension, KRW 9 trillion for postponement of principal repayment, and KRW 163.7 billion for deferred interest repayment.

YTN Jongsoo Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
