[경제]Corona 19 re-proliferation…consumption for two consecutive months↓, uncertainty grows

Industrial production before November 0.7%↑… Increase in one month
“Concerned that uncertainties in the domestic demand sector will increase in December”
Economic indicators rise with the sixth month… “Limit to prediction”


Consumption declined for two consecutive months due to the re-proliferation of Corona 19.

Production and investment increased due to strong exports, but there is concern that uncertainty in the domestic demand sector will increase due to the increased social distancing.

Reporter Oh In-seok on the report.


Consumption declined for two consecutive months due to social distancing following the re-proliferation of Corona 19.

Sales of semi-durable goods such as clothing decreased by 6.9% compared to the previous month due to restraint from going out and cold weather.

Passenger cars also sold a lot due to the new car effect in October, and sales declined last month due to the base effect.

Industrial production increased by 0.7%, with both mining and service production increased.

The rise in stock prices and real estate prices led to an increase in service industry production such as finance, insurance and real estate.

On the other hand, face-to-face service, the food and lodging industry, declined.

Mining industry production increased by 0.3% due to improved exports.

Semiconductor production increased by 7.2% and electronic parts by 7.4%.

On the other hand, automobile production decreased due to the spread of corona in foreign countries such as the EU.

Facility investment increased by 3.6% as investments continued, mainly in semiconductors and manufacturing equipment, and the actual construction period of construction by construction companies increased by 2.1%.

The government and the National Statistical Office are concerned that uncertainties in the domestic demand sector will increase in December due to the increase in distance.

[안형준 / 통계청 경제동향통계심의관 : 코로나19의 양상에 따라서 수출과 대면서비스를 중심으로 크게 영향을 받고 있는 상황이고, 특히 12월에 들어가면서 코로나19의 재확산이 지속되고 있기 때문에 불확실성이 매우 높아진 상황이 되겠습니다.]

The cyclical fluctuation of the coincident index and the cyclical fluctuation of the leading index, which are economic indicators, rose together for the sixth month.

It is the longest consecutive rise in 21 years and 3 months, and the National Statistical Office explained that there is a limit to economic prediction as there is an external economic shock of Corona 19.

YTN Oh Inseok[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
