[경제]Controversy heating up for the resumption of short selling…


Following the extension of the short selling ban, the controversy over the partial reopening on May 3 remains hot.

Even if the short sale is partially resumed, there is a high possibility of a fierce psychological war between individual investors and foreigners.

Reporter Park Byung-han reports.


Short selling, which had been banned for a year, has been postponed once more and a policy to resume partial resumption on May 3 has been set, and controversy continues among stakeholders.

Individual investors who have argued to abolish short selling at all are raising their voices against the resumption of short selling.

[정의정 / 한국주식투자자연합회 대표 : 대형 종목 공매도 재개로 지수가 하락하면 지수 연동 상품에 연계되어서 중소형 종목도 하락 태풍권에서 벗어날 수 없습니다. 공매도 세력이 계속 개인투자자 재산을 쉽게 가져가는 구도를 혁파하지 못하는 미봉책입니다.]

On the other hand, there are opinions from the financial investment industry and academia that it was a reasonable decision to resume short selling even for large stocks.

Finance Commissioner Eun Seong-soo emphasized that short selling is a qualification condition in advanced financial markets as a reason to resume short selling.

[은성수 / 금융위원회 위원장 : 우리가 선진국 중에서 유일하게 공매도를 금지하고 있다는 점, MSCI, FTSE 등 글로벌 지수 산출기관의 국가별 신용등급 평가 시 공매도가 중요한 평가요소라는 점 등을 고려해야 한다는 의견이 있었습니다.]

Foreigners, who account for 31.6% of the domestic stock market, have criticized for the extension of the ban on short selling.

Bloomberg News, reflecting this, warned that foreign investors who had lost risk hedging measures could withdraw from Korea, which could lead to a sharp decline in the share price of Korea.

On the other hand, when Donghak ants, stimulated by the U.S. stock market’s GameStop crisis, announced their intention to purchase the shares of Celltrion and HLB, which were the number ones in short selling balances by foreigners, foreigners were worried about the loss caused by a surge in stock prices such as GameStop. It also happened.

It is expected that the Donghak ants, who are building their intelligence and capital power by working together to counter the forces of short selling, will engage in fierce psychological warfare with institutions and foreigners after short selling resumes.

This is YTN Park Byung-han.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
