[경제]Bank loan interest rate’increased’ in half a year…


As the market interest rate rose in anticipation of inflation, the bank loan interest rate experienced by consumers jumped 0.6 percentage points in half a year.

Mortgage loans have also begun to rise, increasing the burden of debt repayment for common people.

Reporter Lee Kwang-yeop.


The credit rates of the four major commercial banks, including KB Kookmin and Shinhan Bank, are shaking.

As of the 25th, the interest rate on credit loans is 2.59~3.65% per year for a 1st grade.

The bottom line increased by 0.6 percentage points from the end of July last year when the low interest rate trend began in earnest.

The reason is that the market interest rate has risen amid expectations of inflation and the reduction in preferential interest rates to regulate credit loans.

Not only credit loans but also mortgage interest rates are on the rise.

As of the 25th, the interest rate for mortgage loans is 2.34~3.95% per year, up 0.09 percentage points from the end of July last year.

This is the effect of a 0.1%p increase in the interest rate on the Bogeumjari Loan, a low-income loan, from 2.15% to 2.25%.

The Bank of Korea recently set the rate of increase in consumer price this year to 1.3%, up 0.3%p from the previous forecast.

This is because the global economic recovery is visible with the COVID-19 vaccination, and international oil and raw material prices are rising.

However, it is a diagnosis that inflation is not yet a concern.

[이주열 / 한국은행 총재(지난 25일) : 억눌렸던 소비가 방역조치가 완화되면서 꽤 살아나게 되면 물가상승 압력이 커질 가능성도 충분히 있다, 그 가능성을 유의해야 한다, 지속성은 아직까지는 단언할 수는 없지만…]

If market interest rates continue to rise at a faster rate than expected, consumers who owe large amounts of money to invest in real estate or stocks will inevitably increase their debt service burden.

YTN Lee Kwang-yeop[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
