[경제]”Announcement of the 250,000 new public residential land candidates by the second quarter”

250,000 out of the 830,000 unit supply measures are new public housing sites
15~20 locations including candidate sites for new public housing and metropolitan areas
City public housing project bill submitted this week to the National Assembly


The government held a meeting of ministers related to real estate market inspection today (17th), presided over by Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki, and announced that it will focus all its capabilities on accelerating the 2·4 supply measures.

In particular, it was decided to announce candidates for new public housing sites for 250,000 units within the first half of the year.

Reporter Kim Hyun-woo’s report.


Of the 830,000 housing supply plans announced on the 4th, 250,000 will be filled with new public housing.

There are 15 to 20 locations nationwide, and the metropolitan area is targeted at areas with good accessibility near Seoul.

Local areas are being discussed in the five metropolitan metropolitan areas.

The government decided to confirm and announce candidates by the second quarter to prevent confusion such as pre-speculation fever.

[홍남기 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : 신규 공공택지는 시장혼란 방지를 위해 구획 획정 등 세부사항을 철저히 준비하면서 1분기를 시작으로 2분기까지 신속히 후보지 발표를 완료해 나갈 방침입니다.]

In particular, the government has decided to submit a related bill to the National Assembly within this week to speed up the 2·4 supply measures, such as urban public housing projects, which are developed by the public in the area around station areas and semi-industrial areas.

Meanwhile, after the announcement date of the measures on the 4th, he dismissed the criticism that not granting the right to move in when acquiring real estate in the projected area is infringing on property rights, saying that it is a constitutional compensation.

[홍남기 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : 기존 소유자의 재산에 대한 보상은 현금보상이 원칙이며, 감정평가 후 실시하는 보상은 헌법상 정당보상에 해당하므로 이를 재산권 침해로 보는 것은 곤란하다고 생각합니다.]

The Taereung Golf Course site, which was included in the August 4 supply measures last year, is going to be designated as a public housing district this year, and the rest of the new site will also be accelerated by implementing procedures such as district designation and project approval within this year.

In addition to supply measures, we have decided to continue intensive crackdowns and regular investigations on illegal activities in the pre-sale market and disruptions to the market, such as donating expedient ways.

YTN Kim Hyun-woo[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
