[경제]After the 2·4 countermeasures, the rise in apartment prices narrowed…

Last week’s apartment price in Seoul 0.08%↑… 2 weeks in a row
Real Estate 114 “Second week of February, Seoul apartment price 0.14%↑”
Nationwide apartment sales price increase for 3 consecutive weeks decreased
“After the 2nd and 4th measures, the number of purchases was reduced due to the New Year holidays.”


The rise in apartment prices in the Seoul metropolitan area and Seoul, which had been at the highest level ever, decreased for three weeks in a row.

There is a mixed expectation that the rise in apartment prices will subside as buying sentiment stabilizes due to the effects of the 2·4 supply measures, and there are opinions that the stability should be more monitored as it is only a wait-and-see tax due to market uncertainty.

Connect with reporters covering. Reporter Kim Hyun-woo!

On the 4th, the government announced a plan to supply 830,000 units to metropolitan areas including Seoul metropolitan area.

It is still a little too early to predict, but first of all, the range of the rise is shrinking slightly?


That’s right.

Since the government announced a large-scale supply plan, the rise in apartment prices has been somewhat reduced.

First of all, if you look at the statistics of the Korea Real Estate Agency, which is a government-approved market price survey agency, last week, apartment prices in Seoul rose by 0.08%.

The rise just before the 2·4 supply measures was 0.1%, and after the announcement, the rise narrowed to 0.09%.

The increase in apartment prices in Seoul has decreased for two consecutive weeks.

It was found that the sale price of apartments in Seoul for the second week of this month for Real Estate 114, a private research firm, rose 0.14%.

The rate of increase was reduced from 0.17% a week ago.

The nationwide apartment sales price also declined for three consecutive weeks after a 0.29% increase on the 25th of last month.

If you look at statistics from public and private research institutes alone, it can be seen that the momentum of rising apartment prices has declined.


First of all, if you look at the numbers, you might be able to see it like’Isn’t the rise in apartment prices broken?’

How can I analyze it?


The Korea Real Estate Agency analyzed the recent decline in apartment price rises.

After the announcement of the 2/4 supply plan, he explained that the decline in purchase orders and a wait-and-see tax have been seen, and that the rise has narrowed due to a contraction in the buying trend due to the influence of holidays, etc.

When the atmosphere of front-line brokerages is put together, an analysis is found that the pipe net tax is spreading throughout the market after the 2nd and 4th supply measures.

It means that there is a lot of atmosphere to move while watching the situation of the policy.

In particular, there seems to be a growing sentiment to buy or sell while observing additional announcements from the government, such as the location of the planned site for development of a new public housing site that is about to be announced, and where the development area for maintenance projects such as a station area or low-rise residential area will be.

In addition, the government’s policy to liquidate cash without giving priority to new home buyers in the project site after the date of the announcement of the measures is also affecting buyers’ movements.

For this reason, experts are evaluating that it is somewhat premature to say that the real estate market has stabilized due to the 2·4 supply measures.

In addition, there is an analysis that the rise is still high centered on the outskirts of Seoul and undervalued complexes, and it is a phenomenon caused by some sales for the purpose of tax avoidance before June 1, the base date for the transfer tax of high-priced apartments in multi-homed people or areas subject to adjustment.

So far, the Ministry of Economy has delivered it.

Hyunwoo Kim [[email protected]]

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
