[경제]9th among advanced countries in the growth of national debt

Korea’s national debt ratio, expected to approach 65% by 2025
Over 20 trillion’super extra’ inevitable for the 4th disaster support fund
This year’s debt ratio 48.3% Total surpassed KRW 1,000 trillion next year


Korea’s increase in the national debt ratio was the ninth largest among 37 developed countries.

The country’s debt has increased sharply since last year as a result of the Corona 19 response, and if this rapid pace continues, it is feared that it will lead to a decline in the national credit rating.

Reporter Lee Kwang-yeop.


Korea’s gross domestic product and national debt to GDP ratio will reach 65% by 2025.

The International Monetary Fund and the IMF forecast that Korea’s sovereign debt ratio, which was a little over 40% in 2015, will surge to 64.96% in 2025 by more than 24 percentage points in 10 years.

This increase is ranked 9th out of 37 developed countries, after Singapore, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom.

The national debt amounted to 846 trillion won in response to the Corona 19 response last year, after four additional supplements, and 956 trillion won if this year’s budget was included.

[안일환 / 기획재정부 2차관(지난달 28일, 재정관리점검회의) : 우리나라의 국가채무가 OECD 선진국 대비 아직은 상대적으로 낮지만 코로나19 위기에 대응하는 과정에서 국가채무가 빠르게 늘어나고 있다는 점을 유의할 필요가 있습니다.]

This year too, a’super supplementary supplement’ of over 20 trillion won became inevitable due to the 4th disaster support payment.

When this happens, the national debt ratio will jump to 48.3%, and next year the amount of debt will exceed a whopping KRW 1,000 trillion.

Fitch, an international credit rating agency, warned last year that if Korea’s debt-to-equity ratio increases to 46%, it could act as downward pressure on credit ratings in the medium term.

[조영무 / LG경제연구원 연구위원 : 국가부채의 증가 속도라든가 재정건전성의 악화 속도가 최근 들어서 상당히 빨라진 상황이기 때문에 국제신용평가사들, 그중에서도 특히 보수적인 입장을 지속적으로 밝혀온 피치와 같은 기관의 움직임에 대해서 더 주목할 필요가 있는 것으로 보입니다.]

When the country’s debt reaches an unmanageable level, the country’s credit rating is lowered, resulting in a sharp increase in debt interest burden and a vicious circle of foreign investment funds being drained.

Even if the COVID-19 outbreak enters a stable phase due to vaccination, there is a possibility that the national debt ratio will increase uncontrollably like Japan due to structural problems such as low birthrate and rapid aging.

YTN Lee Kwang-yeop[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
