[경제]220,000 employed last year↓…the worst since the IMF financial crisis

Increased distance in December… Accommodation food, wholesale and retail direct hit
628,000 employed in December↓… The largest after the IMF crisis
351,000 temporary workers↓, 170,000 daily workers↓
218,000 employed annually last year↓… Maximum after IMF


The job market hit by Corona 19 is facing the worst situation since the IMF financial crisis.

Last year, the number of employees employed per year decreased by nearly 220,000, and the number of unemployed reached 1.11 million.

As the shock was concentrated in the lodging, food and wholesale and retail industries, temporary and daily jobs were greatly reduced.

Reporter Oh In-seok on the report.


As the social distancing stage was raised on the 8th of last month due to the third spread of Corona 19, the lodging/restaurant and wholesale/retail employment markets were hit directly.

During the month of December, the number of employed in the lodging and restaurant business decreased by more than 310,000 and the wholesale and retail business decreased by nearly 200,000.

Last month, the number of employees employed decreased by 628,000 from a year ago.

This is the largest decline since February 1999, when the IMF financial crisis experienced an employment crisis.

The number of employed declined for 10 consecutive months due to the impact of Corona 19, the second longest decline since the 16th consecutive month decline due to the IMF financial crisis.

The shock was concentrated as the number of temporary workers decreased by 351,000 and daily workers decreased by 170,000.

[정동명 / 통계청 사회통계국장 : 임시와 일용직 같은 경우는 아무래도 대면서비스업 업종에 임시·일용직 분들이 많이 포함되어 있습니다. 비중이 높습니다. 그러다 보니 직접적인 영향을 미치지 않았나, 그런 생각이 듭니다.]

Last year, the number of employed fell by nearly 220,000 annually, the largest decline in 22 years since the IMF financial crisis.

There have been five negatives in the number of employed per year, down by 1.27 million during the IMF financial crisis and more than 80,000 during the global financial crisis.

Except for those over 60, the number of employed has decreased.

The number of unemployed people increased by 45,000 to 1.18,000, the highest since 2000.

The government has expressed deep concern over the expansion of the job shock and predicted that the job market would be difficult until January to February this year.

Accordingly, we decided to prioritize the policy on supporting the underprivileged in employment.

[홍남기 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : 고용 충격이 가장 클 1분기에 공공부문이 버팀목 역할을 하도록 금년 계획된 직접일자리 사업의 80%인 83만 명을, 사회서비스 일자리의 44%인 2만 8천 명이 1분기에 집중 채용 되도록 하겠습니다.]

The government has announced that it will prepare additional plans to promote youth employment during the first quarter and expand women’s jobs in the post-corona era.

YTN Oh Inseok[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
