[경제]170 points of’roller coaster stock price’ fluctuates… banning short selling in March

Individual 4,4 trillion won net purchase… Institutional KRW 3.7 trillion net selling
Samsung Electronics surpasses 90,000 won on personal purchase
Credit loan balance of 20.3 trillion won… Record high


Kospi showed up and down 170 points a day in a’null jump’ market.

As the stock market overheated, the financial authorities decided to allow short selling, which is currently banned, in March.

Reporter Kim Jang-ha on the report.


The Kospi ended slightly lower after an extreme runaway market.

The KOSPI started slightly higher than the battlefield, soared 3.6% at the beginning of the market, exceeding 3,266, and at one time below the 3,100 line.

The fluctuation range is 170 points per day.

Individuals net bought more than 4.4 trillion won, and institutions and foreigners net sold 3.7 trillion won and 700 billion won, respectively.

Both individual net purchases and institutional net sales reached record highs.

In the new year, as personal purchases are rushing every day, Samsung Electronics closed at 90,000 won, opening the era of ‘90,000 electrons’.

Meanwhile, the credit loan balance owed by individual investors surpassed 20 trillion won for the first time in history on the 7th and reached an all-time high.

[김형렬 / 교보증권 리서치센터장 : 빚을 활용한 레버리지 투자가 투자자들에게 단기간에 상당히 막대한 수익을 안겨줄 수 있지만 경제활동과 자산시장에 극적으로 부정적인 영향을 줄 수 있다는 점은 꼭 인지해둘 필요가 있습니다.]

In response to concerns about overheating both inside and outside the stock market, the financial authorities announced that they would allow short selling in March.

In a notice text, the Financial Services Commission explained that the temporary ban on short selling due to Corona 19 is expected to end on March 15.

He added that, with the aim of resuming short selling in March, it plans to finish improving the system by strengthening punishment for illegal short selling.

It can be interpreted as drawing a line on the recent allegation to extend the ban on short selling, both inside and outside the political world.

This is YTN Kim Jang-ha.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
