[경제]1 out of 2 Seoul apartments reported for sale and then canceled is the highest price

4.4% of 855,247 transactions reported last year
31.9% “Highest Price” of 37,965 Canceled Transactions
“Some speculators report false systematic reports to raise prices”


Last year, a look at the apartment transaction patterns in Seoul showed that half of the sudden cancellations of transactions later were reported by reporters.

This is one out of three cases nationwide. When suspicion of false reports to manipulate apartment prices was raised, the government decided to investigate.

Reporter Shin Yoon-jung reports.


Last year, the number of apartment sales registered in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport system was about 855,000!

Of these, 4.4% or 37,000 cases were canceled after registration.

The down payment was made and the contract was written and the transaction was reported, but the transaction was finally canceled.

However, of the 37,000 canceled transactions, 31.9% reached the highest price at the time.

For apartments in Ulju-gun, Ulsan, 11 out of 16 registered for sale on March 3 last year were reported as the highest price. After 22 days, 16 cases were canceled.

In Seoul, it was the highest for half of all canceled transactions.

In particular, it was found to be over 60% in Gwangjin, Seocho-gu, Mapo-gu and Gangnam-gu.

In special circumstances, there is the possibility of inevitable cancellations, duplicate registrations, and errors, but there is also a possibility that some speculators systematically made false reports to raise apartment prices.

[천준호 / 더불어민주당 의원 : ‘신고가로 실거래가가 등록됐다’ 바로 언론에서 이걸 받아서 대서특필합니다. 그러면 이것을 가지고 카카오톡 등 여러 가지 SNS를 이용해서 주변에 확산시킵니다. 그러면 유포·확산된 자료를 보고 불안감에 싸여 있던 사람들이 추격 매수를 하게 됩니다.]

The government also said that this problem was considered a serious problem, and that it would request an investigation for intentional manipulation.

[변창흠 / 국토교통부 장관 : 의도적으로 이익을 위해서 (시세 조작) 한다면 저희도 수사 의뢰할 필요가 있다고 생각합니다. 거래분석원이 만들어져서 이 역할들을 제대로 제대로 좀 할 수 있지 않을까 생각합니다.]

Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum also announced that the real estate page of the portal site and the real estate app will also reflect whether or not the transaction is canceled as in the real estate transaction system.

YTN Shin Yoon-jung[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
