[경제][뉴스큐] Gyeongsilryeon “30 members of the National Assembly own an apartment worth 111.3 billion won”

■ Progress: Anchor Youngsoo Kim, Anchor Ryeowon Kang
■ Cast: Kim Seong-dal / Director of the Real Estate Construction Reform Headquarters, Gyeongsil-ryeon

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.


Today, the Citizens’ Federation for Economic Justice and Practice announced the results of an in-depth analysis of the property and real estate holdings of the 21st lawmakers. A survey of the top 30 apartment properties revealed that they owned over 100 billion won in apartment properties, and that their prices have increased 1.5 times in the last four years. For more details, I will talk with Seong-dal Kim, director of the Real Estate Construction Reform Headquarters. Director, are you with me?


Good morning?


Good morning. First of all, what is the background of this investigation, the convulsions? [김성달] In the Moon Jae-in administration, house prices are rising, people’s suffering is increasing, and inequality and polarization are intensifying.

In response to this situation, the National Assembly has repeatedly requested to come up with a fundamental countermeasure, but the 21st generation has not yet presented a fundamental countermeasure, so we once again inform the seriousness of the rise in house prices, and the members of the National Assembly also disclose their property as the truth. It seems that this place was set up today to urge you to actively step forward to solve the problem of house prices.




Then, let’s look at the findings. First of all, the top 30 parliamentarian apartment property How many in total did you have?


The assets we analyzed today are the contents of the National Assembly members who were elected in their 20s to 21s released in March. In the case of new elections or if they were elected before their 20s, those who were elected in the 21st again this time were released in August, and we analyzed them based on the time of disclosure.

In addition, there were some reports in the media that there could be real estate sales or gift after being released, but I couldn’t know everything, so I considered it as an open standard.

And the disclosure was analyzed not only by the person but also by the details reported, including the family members. In that case, the total number of apartments open to 30 people is 51. And it turns out that the top 10 reported 20 houses.


The top 30 people have 51 apartments, but the price of the apartment seems to be quite expensive. Most of the apartments you have are in Seoul, and there are many in Gangnam in Seoul?


The members of the National Assembly have regional districts all over the country or are elected in proportion. In fact, looking at the apartments, it turns out that many of the top 30 people are in Seoul and are concentrated in Gangnam, Seocho, and Songpa.

Of the 51 houses, 38 are located in Seoul. In addition, 28 of these are concentrated in Gangnam, Seocho, and Songpa-gu, indicating that 74% of them are in Seoul and 54% are only in the 3rd district of Gangnam.


The price seems to be considerable. How much was the apartment price?


I only saw apartment property. I didn’t see all of the real estate property, but only the apartment property, but the apartment property reported by 30 people is 75 billion. It’s an average of 2.5 billion per person. It is an average of 1.5 billion per unit. In addition, the higher the standard for the top 10, the reported value per person is 35.7 billion. The domestic average is about 300 million. So, you have an apartment property that is about 10 times that of the people, and you can see it like this.


Who owns the most apartments and expensive apartments among incumbent lawmakers and how much does it cost?


Although it has been reported in the media several times, independent lawmaker Park Deok-heum has the most apartment property. You reported that you own three houses in Gangnam-gu, Songpa-gu, and Chungbuk, and the reported value alone is 6.4 billion. When I did my research, the price was much higher than that.


Since we are showing the graphic as well, there is a lot of difference between the reported amount and the tax company. How much doesn’t it?


We also investigated whether we reported against the market price and whether the market price was really true. As a result of the survey, it was found that the difference between the reported value and the market price was 66% and about 34%.

The market price was investigated as of November 2020. As a result of the survey, the total amount of 51 apartments reported by 30 people was KRW 111.3 billion based on market price. It averages 377 billion won per person.

But as I said before, the reported value is 2.5 billion, so it is about 66%. In particular, in the case of Parliamentarian Park Deok-heum, who had the most wealth, the reported price was 6.4 billion won, but it was far more than 10 billion after conducting a market survey. It was around 10.7 billion won. Only 60% has been reflected and a difference of 4.3 billion won has occurred.

So, the fact that the difference occurs so much is that the time of disclosure, the lawmakers released it in March and August, and there may be a slight difference in the timing of the investigation by Kyungsilyeon in November. They are reporting at a lower published price. In addition, the Moon Jae-in government’s apartment prices have soared, so it is judged that there was a large difference in the difference in months.


I asked the National Assembly several times to prepare proper measures for stabilizing the house price, but there was no answer. Of these top 30 lawmakers, you said there are also members of the relevant standing committees, such as the National Territory Committee and the Technical Committee? Isn’t this an issue that could lead to a serious conflict of interest? How many?


There is inevitably a conflict of interest for those who are rich in real estate or own multi-households on the National Territory Committee or the Technical Committee, which is the standing committee in charge of housing and real estate policies. I have been demanding the exclusion of the standing committee in this area.

However, as a result of this investigation, out of the 30 people who have the top apartments this time, 4 members belong to the National Land Commission and 2 members belong to the Committee. That is why we need to exclude the chairman of the National Assembly or the party representative from the standing committee even for these people.


As such, it seems that the National Assembly has no choice but to raise criticism for not doing the right thing. What do you think the National Assembly should do now?


The situation is that our government is pursuing a massive supply expansion plan to stabilize the house price. But actually, since this supply expansion plan came out, house prices have been rising further. The National Assembly should properly judge the problem of such supply expansion measures and suggest alternatives.

In particular, the National Assembly has to offer an alternative to this area, which makes the surrounding house prices more upbeat about the ripped sale in this private housing site, but we are sorry that the government said it would control the sale price to an appropriate level through the sale price limit system.

However, it has not been implemented so far, and the ruling party in power has proposed a bill that would exclude the ceiling on pre-sale prices in case of small-scale development projects.

In addition, the power of the people also suggested a real estate policy, but I think that it is very concerned because it proposed policies and legislation that induces speculation and retreat from the viewpoint of abolishing the pre-sale price limit or limiting the realization of the publicly priced tax base.


Lastly, if you have something you really want to say to the 21st National Assembly members, please tell me a word.


Until now, the government’s measures to encourage speculation have been criticized for being by the National Assembly. So, even now, it is necessary to present a fundamental countermeasure, especially for a broken housing supply system.

In projects led by public corporations, at least not selling land but owned by the public, so that public housing can be expanded and housing can be supplied smoothly. We hope that legislation that can do these things will be prepared and passed as soon as possible.


Okay. I’ll listen to you today. Until now, Seong-dal Kim was the director of the Real Estate Construction Reform Headquarters at Kyungsil-ryeon. I heard it well. thank you.


thank you.
