[건강TIP] Stomach and duodenal ulcers, stress and irritating foods that 1 in 10 suffer from should be avoided


[빅데이터뉴스 이경호 기자] Peptic ulcer is a common disease that one in 10 Koreans suffers more than once in their lifetime, and includes gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Peptic ulcer occurs when the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum loses the balance of the attack factor represented by gastric acid and the defense factor of the mucous component.

When peptic ulcer occurs, heartburn or stabbing pain is most often present in the abdomen after a meal, but symptoms appear or there are many cases without distinct symptoms regardless of whether or not to eat. In particular, when duodenal ulcer is worsened and stricture occurs, indigestion or vomiting symptoms may appear. When the peptic ulcer worsens, black stool or hematopoiesis caused by bleeding may be caused. If the symptoms are severe, gastrointestinal perforation may occur in which holes are formed in the walls of the stomach and duodenum.

One of the important causes of peptic ulcer is Helicobacter pylori. Koreans are very susceptible to peptic ulcers because of the characteristics of food culture, Helicobacter pylori is well transmitted and the infection rate is high. It can also be triggered by drugs. Recently, peptic ulcers are increasing as antithrombotic drugs such as aspirin are used for the treatment and prevention of vascular diseases, or anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs are used as senile joint diseases increase.

In order to prevent peptic ulcer, it is most important to avoid environments that promote the secretion of stomach acid. If you are infected with Helicobacter pylori, disinfection treatment should be performed first, and care should be taken to prevent re-infection afterwards. It is also recommended to reduce the use of strong seasonings, including drinking, smoking, coffee, chocolate, and soda. If you are taking a drug that can damage the gastric mucosa, you can reduce the risk by taking an acid inhibitor or a gastric mucosa protectant to prevent ulcers.

Professor Choi Hyeok-soon of the Department of Gastroenterology, Anam Hospital, Korea University explained, “Peptic ulcers often recur or progress to intractable ulcers if not properly treated.” There is a risk, so it is better to receive treatment according to the doctor’s prescription.” Lee Kyung-ho, Big Data News reporter [email protected]

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