[가요]’Cake Design Plagiarism Controversy’ Solbi, Tasting Performance “Just a Cake”

While the cake design made by singer and painter Solbi (Kwon Ji-an) was engulfed in plagiarism controversy, Solbi responded in his own way.

On the 28th, Solbi released a 9-minute video on her SNS with a post titled’Just a cake’. In the video, Solbi looked at the cake in question with an expressionless face, peeled off the wrapping paper, and ate it with a careless and uninspiring expression. And at the end, the voice’Just a cake’ comes out.

Earlier, Solbi posted a photo on social media, stating that she was indulged in making cakes recently. However, it was pointed out that the cake Solby made was imitating contemporary artist Jeff Koons”Play-Doh’.

In response, Solbi revised the article, saying, “I made my own cake in a more free way, inspired by the work of Jeff Koons’play-doh’ while watching children play clay.”

In addition, “For reference, the cake I uploaded is not for sale. I eat what I make. The actual sale is made by professional bakers. Like the concept of Jeff Koon’s’play-doh’ work,’Everyone can be an artist’ After all, this free idea turned into a cake.”

In fact, it was discovered that Solbi sold a cake of the same shape that Solbi posted on social media, saying it was’Chunky Cake Edition. Although the sale is currently ended, the product description says’lettering solution’.

As Solbi said, there was “actual sale”, but the ambiguous explanation that “that cake that I uploaded is not for sale” seems to have made the controversy even bigger.

YTN Star Reporter Cho Hyun-joo ([email protected])
[사진제공=솔비 SNS]

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
