靑 NSC “Myanmar national assembly and demonstration freedom should be respected as much as possible”

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靑 NSC “Myanmar national assembly and demonstration freedom should be respected as much as possible”

“International cooperation to restore the constitutional order of Myanmar… perfect for the safety of the people”
“Close consultation with the new US administration for a comprehensive strategy toward North Korea”

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Park Joo-pyeong |
2021-02-25 17:52 sent

Seo Hoon, Head of National Security Office, Blue House. (Provided by Blue House) 2020.12.11/News 1

The Blue House National Security Council (NSC) said on the 25th that “the freedom of assembly and demonstration of the people of Myanmar should be respected as much as possible.”

The Blue House announced that it held a meeting of the NSC Standing Committee presided over by the head of the National Security Office, Seo Hoon, on the morning of this day, and expressed deep concern about the recent Myanmar situation and gathered opinions.

Participants decided to cooperate with the international community to quickly restore the constitutional order of Myanmar in a democratic and peaceful manner, and to make efforts to protect the safety of Korean residents and enterprises in the country.

In addition, in order to comprehensively check our security situation and to stably manage the situation on the Korean Peninsula, it has decided to strengthen communication with related countries.

In particular, in order to smoothly promote the alliance issues and to prepare a comprehensive strategy toward North Korea at an early stage, it has decided to consult more closely with the new administration of the US.

Meanwhile, the attendees decided to check the support situation of the Ministry of Defense to quickly and safely transport the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine, and continue to take necessary measures to quickly overcome the corona 19 situation.

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