野 caught in the trap of’Smart Mercenary Ahn Chul-soo’…

Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, speaks at a meeting to prepare measures to prevent child abuse held at the Children’s Rights Guarantee Center in Jongno-gu, Seoul. This round-table conference was held to understand the recurrence of child abuse, such as the recent’Jung In-i’ abuse case, and to prepare measures to prevent recurrence. National Company Reporters

At the beginning of the new year,’Ahn Cheol-soo’s wind’ is strong. Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, who made an appearance in the Seoul Mayor’s by-election in April, took the lead among the ruling and opposition preliminary candidates in various New Year polls. The fact that while other runners were weighing, quickly declared a run to take the lead, and the surprise choice of running for the mayor of Seoul instead of the next presidential election, the name’Ahn Cheol-soo’ was quickly reappeared.

Representative Ahn, who took the lead in’Anti Moon Jae-in’, calls himself a conservative runner. From the standpoint of the power of the people suffering from character difficulties, it is the appearance of a’smart mercenary’, but he is not very happy. In the position of the party leadership, who must win the election as a’people’s strength candidate’, it is eye-catching. However, there is no way to disregard Ahn’s expectations for unifying conservative opposition. I can’t just trust Ahn, who has a history of’withdrawal politics’.

Representative Ahn has already suggested a method of unifying candidates that is advantageous to him, saying,’Let’s choose the candidates the people want by the national primary rather than the party primary’. The power of the people is helpless in front of the magic word’the candidate the people want.’

The growing demand for unification… Ahn Cheol-soo preoccupied the’reform issue’

Representative Ahn’s message of’unification of conservative opposition rights’ went through. About three months before the election, there were many voices from Seoul citizens and the middle class that’the opposition should check the regime by unifying candidates’. According to the Hankook Ilbo and Korea Research’s New Year’s poll (conducted on the 28th to 30th of last month), 63.9% of respondents in favor and 28.2% of opposition candidates outperformed. The citizens of Seoul (64.6%) and the middle class (65.9%), who will determine the victory or defeat of the Bosun, sympathized with the need for unification.

A public opinion poll expert said on the 5th, “The high support for the unification of opposition at the end of the regime means that the voters want to see a’reformed appearance’ in the election race,” and said, “CEO Ahn has preempted the issue.”

Kim Jong-in (right), Chairman of the People’s Strength Emergency Response Committee and Ho-young Joo, the representative of the hospital, attend the 2nd On-Tact Policy Workshop held at the National Assembly on the 5th. Reporter Oh Dae-geun

Even if unification or not, the power of the people is’damage’

On the outside, the power of the people is not fading. Kim Jong-in, chairman of the Emergency Response Committee, said on the 4th, “Unifying candidates is ultimately based on our goals, and it is our responsibility to make the candidates with the most chance of winning in the power of the people.” ① It means that the people will find a way to win the election by raising their own candidates, but ② if the approval rating is lowered by CEO Ahn in the end, it means that they will consider unification as the’next best option’.

However, it is difficult from the conditions in which ① is realized. A runner of the people’s strength must appear and break the approval rating of Representative Ahn, and Ahn must accept the result of unification and support the candidate of the people’s strength. If CEO Ahn insists on completing the game and becomes a’three-way composition’, the conservative camp is inevitable. The responsibility for defeat will be more of the people’s power than Ahn’s.

The worries of the people who are the people’s strength have deepened. There is a high possibility that the’in-party contest → Ahn and the unified contest → In addition to the Democratic Party candidate and the final election’. Preliminary candidates at the presidential level, including former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon and former lawmaker Na Gyeong-won, will suffer fatal injuries if they fail at any of the three-step gates.

On February 27, 2019, on the day of the National Assembly of the Free Korea Party (formerly National Assembly), former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon (second from left), who challenged the party’s representative, is holding hands with former lawmaker Na Gyeong-won, who was then representative of the hospital. News 1

Ahn Cheol-soo shakes up to the’President election’

Representative Ahn emerged as a critical variable in the presidential election strategy. Seoul Mayor Boseon is a large gateway to the presidential election in March next year. It is highly likely that the forces that occupy the mayor of Seoul will occupy the great power.

It is the worst case scenario for the people’s strength that the Democratic Party wins as the election ends in a’three-way structure’. The rising trend of the people’s power formed through the conflict between Chu Mi-ae and Yoon Seok-yeol will quickly collapse. While the Democratic Party prepares for the presidential election, it is inevitable that the power of the people is swamped with responsibility for defeating the election, and again falls into a swamp. It is also a problem that there is no leadership to correct the situation.

Even if Ahn becomes the mayor of Seoul as a single conservative candidate, the power of the people cannot be laughed wide. As CEO Ahn jumps up as the’next conservative presidential runner’, the conservative vote will be focused on Ahn. An opposition official said, “If Representative Ahn wins as a candidate, a solidarity platform for opposition parties can be created outside of the people’s strength, and it can become a focal point for Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol and others to gather.” This is big.

Hyunbin Kim reporter

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