美 shows hope for group immunity… Vaccinations surpassed the number of confirmed cases

Vehicles for corona 19 vaccination are lined up in the parking lot of Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, California, USA. Los Angeles = AP Yonhap News

It was estimated that the number of vaccinations in the United States, the country most affected by the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), exceeded the cumulative number of confirmed cases. It has been about a month and a half since vaccination started on December 14 last year. It is hopeful that the supply rate was faster than the initial inoculation, but mutant viruses with high infectivity remained as a variable.

According to Bloomberg News’ vaccine tracking system on the 2nd (local time), 26.5 million people in the United States who received more than one dose of the Corona 19 vaccine on the afternoon of that day. This is more than the 26.3 million cumulative number of confirmed patients at the same time (based on Johns Hopkins University). Over the past six weeks, 7.8% of Americans received the vaccine, and 1.8% of them completed both the first and second doses. Previously, countries in which the total number of vaccinations exceeded the cumulative number of confirmed cases include Israel, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

As the vaccine supply has accelerated,’collective immunity’, a hope for an end to Corona 19, has come a step forward. Population immunity is expected to be possible if 70-85% of the population (330 million people) achieves immunity through cure or vaccination. The vaccine did not immediately suppress the spread of Corona 19, but the rapid increase seems to have halted over the year-end and New Year holidays. The number of new confirmed cases per day peaked at 300,000,282 on the 2nd of last month, but on the 31st of last month It has dropped significantly to 11,896 people.

The problem is the mutant virus. Variant viruses in Britain, South Africa, and Brazil, which are more infectious than existing viruses, are found all over the United States. By the 31st of last month, 471 people were infected with these mutant viruses. Experts predict that the timing of achieving group immunity may be delayed due to variation. It also warned of the recurrence of the pandemic around March. Jay Butler, deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said, “If a mutant virus is a major cause of infection, the standard for achieving population immunity will rise from 70% to 80-85%.”

Azalea reporter

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