獨 angered by slow vaccination

While the world is in the midst of a war for the supply of the COVID-19 vaccine, the German pharmaceutical company’s bio-entech vaccine has been shown to be inoculated very slowly in Germany, leading to complaints.

The Financial Times (FT) reported on the 30th (local time) that “the German government is facing a difficult question why the inoculation rate of the country that developed the first approved COVID-19 vaccine is significantly lower than that of the United States, United Kingdom and Israel.”

To date, only 78,000 people have been vaccinated against Pfizer Bioentech in Germany.

On the other hand, Israel, which is distributing vaccines at the fastest rate in the world, has an average of 150,000 people per day, the Guardian said. The cumulative population in Israel who has been vaccinated is over 640,000, eight times more than in Germany.

As public opinion deteriorated, German Health Minister Jens Sfan called for patience to the public on the day, saying, “The global vaccine supply is tight.” “By the summer of 2021, most German citizens will be able to get the vaccine,” he stressed.

However, the opposition party is pouring criticism against the government, comparing it with the Israeli government’s announcement that it will complete vaccinations for the entire population by the end of March. In Germany, some vaccine centers are temporarily shutting down due to a shortage of supply, and the Ministry of Health said it is expected that additional supply will take place on the 8th and 18th of this month.

According to Our World In Data (OWID), a global research and statistics agency, Israel (7.44) ranked first in the COVID-19 vaccination rate per 100 population as of the last 30 days. In addition, Bahrain (3.37), the United Kingdom (1.18), and the United States (0.78) recorded a fast pace, while Germany ranked 10th with a level of 0.09.

[고보현 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
