母 Long-term parent or more canceled… Jae-young Lee and Da-young who fell by a school bomb

Excluding national team selection following suspension
Virtually withdrawn from various broadcasts and advertisements
I lost everything after a week of suspicion of abusing.

Heungkuk Life Insurance Lee Jae-young (left) and Lee Da-young [사진=연합뉴스]

Heungkuk Life Insurance Lee Jae-young (left) and Lee Da-young [사진=연합뉴스]

Amidst sisters Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young, twin volleyball players, admitted to school violence and apologized publicly, the Korean Volleyball Association announced that it has decided to cancel the’great parent’s ideal’ awarded last year to Kim Kyung-hee, 55, the mother of the two players.

As of the 16th, the sisters Lee Da-young and Lee Jae-young were virtually expelled from various broadcasts and advertisements due to the controversy over school violence. Accordingly, there is a possibility that a large penalty will be charged. A petition requesting the permanent removal of the two players was also posted on the Blue House National Petition bulletin board.

Heungkuk Life Insurance, a member of the team, decided to’suspend indefinitely’, and the Volleyball Association also punished him with’disqualification from national team indefinitely.

The Volleyball Association announced that it will go through the process of canceling the award for the grandparents at the upcoming board meeting. Kim Kyung-hee, who was the setter of the women’s volleyball team at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, received an award at the ‘2020 Volleyball Night’ event in February last year in recognition of her contributions to raising her sister as the national team.

The Volleyball Association also announced that it had decided to disqualify Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young from the national team indefinitely.

The association said, “It was judged that it would be difficult to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents if we did not take strong measures against the current school violence incidents.” It will be excluded from the selection process for all future international competitions such as the Nations League and the Tokyo Olympics.”

Heungkuk Life Insurance also said, “We apologize and feel deeply responsible for the disappointment to all those who love volleyball with this incident. School violence should never occur, and it is unacceptable for any reason.” The club also apologizes once again to the victims who suffered from the wrongdoing of the players.”

Heungkuk Life Insurance said, “The two players will have to do everything they can to heal the victims’ wounds by meeting the victims in person and asking for forgiveness, as well as reflecting on cutting the bones during the self-sufficiency period.” I will take my work as a mirror to see if there are any non-human rights cases in the operation of the volleyball team, and support all of the players to grow as members of a mature society.”

  Jaeyoung Lee and Lee Dayoung.

Jaeyoung Lee and Lee Dayoung.

Initially, Heungkuk Life Insurance said, “Currently, the two players are in very poor condition, so that they need to stabilize their mind and body,” he said. “We believe that disciplinary action should be taken when the player is in an acceptable mental and physical state.”

When Heungkuk Life seems to be procrastinating the discipline, some victims rebelled and foreshadowed further disclosure. There is also an analysis that the Association and Heungkuk Life Insurance have hurried to discipline the two players.

Heungkuk Life Insurance said, “The discipline can be one season or more than two seasons,” and said that it will not pay salaries for both players for the time being. The combined annual salary of the two players is known to reach 1 billion won.

On the 12th, a Cheong Wa Dae petition was posted, saying, “It is important for an athlete to be good at sports, but personality should be given priority above all.” More than 100,000 people have agreed to the petition.

After the controversy over the school violence, Kia Motors deleted an advertisement featuring the two.

In general, advertising contracts often contain a’classification clause’ that charges a penalty of about 200-300% of the advertising cost if the model causes social controversy and adversely affects the image of the advertising company.

Therefore, attention is focused on whether the two will be charged a penalty.

The incident started when an online community posted a revelation about the two.

Earlier, in an online community, an article was posted saying, “These are the current volleyball players who are victims of school abuse. Author A said, “It’s been 10 years, so I thought about living with it, but I couldn’t think of the actions that the perpetrator had done, and I saw the posts on social media and wrote with courage, hoping that the memories of that time would pass and look back at myself.” “There are a total of 4 victims who write, and there are more than these people.”

Mr. A described 21 cases of the victims of school bombing. It was shocked by forcibly walking money, swearing the victims and their families, as well as forcing them to “borrow” or physically assaulting them.

Mr. A said, “The perpetrator asked the victim who was in the same room to do something, but when he refused it, he brought a knife and threatened him.”, “(The perpetrator told the victim) that it was dirty, smelled, and told him not to come next to him. I always swear and swear to my parents by calling them’Nine X Me, X Rain’.”, “After the exercise, the victims had to take care of the perpetrators’ protectors or lens barrels, but if they forget it, they say,’I’m looking for it now, but if it doesn’t come out, I lose X. We have listed specific examples such as “I did”.

In addition, Lee Da-young mentioned a post on social media that said, “The bully may be fun, but the bully wants to die,” and he said, “I think he has completely forgotten the actions he has done. “It’s so upset and embarrassing that I posted such a post while I went to another school as if running away without showing an apology or reflection.”

Kim Yeon-kyung is encouraging her colleague Lee Da-young.  Photo = Yonhap News

Kim Yeon-kyung is encouraging her colleague Lee Da-young. Photo = Yonhap News

Lee Da-young and Lee Jae-young left their team after posting an official apology on social media on the 10th when the history of school violence committed against a colleague as a middle school player was revealed.

Lee Da-young said through a handwritten apology, “I apologize to those who have been hurt for my wrongdoing,” and “I am sincerely sorry for disappointment.”

He wrote, “I deeply apologize for making words and actions so that they have hard memories and scars with a young heart to my colleagues who worked out sweating like in school.”

Lee Jae-young said, “I hurt a lot of people because of the irresponsible behavior I did in the past when I was young. I bowed my head to apologize. I will never forget the wrong actions and words I did in the future and I will become a more mature person.”

While posting an apology, Lee Da-young unfollowed the Instagram account of Kim Yeon-kyung, the captain of the team, and controversy raised whether the apology was not genuine.

Reporter Kim Myung-il, Hankyung.com [email protected]
