文’Very sorry’ first apology for real estate policy… There was no mention of late pardon

[2021년 신년사]

Real estate policy de facto acknowledged failure

“Quickly prepare various supply plans”

Do not mention the issue of Lee’s pardon

Emphasis on’conversation’ in North Korea’s’nuclear advancement’

President Moon Jae-in is giving a New Year’s address at the Blue House on the 11th./Yonhap News

President Moon Jae-in apologized for the first time on the 11th for the real estate controversy, saying, “I am very sorry to the people who are disheartened by the difficulties of housing.” In November 2019, in’Conversation with the People’, President Han Moon said, “The Korean government is confident in the real estate issue,” admitted to a policy failure after a year due to a surge in real estate prices. However, in the real estate market, it was diagnosed as “too late.”

President Moon said in the ‘2021 New Year’s Address’ announced by the Blue House on the same day, “We will quickly come up with a variety of housing supply plans that can be quickly effective with a special emphasis on supply expansion.” Accordingly, before Lunar New Year, the government plans to introduce a policy to expand housing supply based on regeneration of downtown Seoul. A deregulation card to promote private supply is also being reviewed.

President Moon also said that in order to restore the job market hit by the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), “we will focus on the job budget of 30.5 trillion won, which is 5 trillion won higher than last year, in the first quarter.” In addition, after revealing the plan to promote the Korean-style New Deal, which is pouring a total of 160 trillion won, in a’regional focus’, he added, “We will quickly promote large-scale and ultra-wide projects.”

President Moon also emphasized his willingness to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Pacific Rim Economic Partnership Agreement (CPTPP) ahead of the inauguration of the US administration, Joe Biden. It is an initiative to actively participate in the new global trade order. In relation to the Korea-Japan relations that became thin ice by the court’s’comfort women’ decision, he said, “We will continue to strive for future-oriented development.”

President Moon did not urge North Korea to denuclearize, but re-emphasized the importance of inter-Korean cooperation, despite North Korea’s North Korean State Council Chairman Kim Jong-un’s pledge to strengthen nuclear force. Earlier, Chairman Kim turned away from the South Korean government’s proposal for quarantine cooperation as a “non-essential problem,” but President Moon said, “We must find ways to cooperate for the survival and safety of the people of the North and the South.”

On this day, real estate experts responded skeptically to President Moon’s New Year’s address. Professor Kwon Dae-jung of Myongji University pointed out, “Even if a supply measure comes out, the supply cannot be increased in one morning.”

President Moon Jae-in is moving to the podium to give a New Year’s address at the Blue House on the 11th./Yonhap News

The literary literary that even the ‘People’ of ‘Amyeon’ was not brought out…Attention to the New Year’s press conference in mid-month

President Moon made no mention in his New Year’s address on the 11th, suggesting the pardon of former Presidents Park Geun-hye and Lee Myung-bak. Earlier, on the 7th at the New Year’s meeting, when President Moon revealed that “the new year is the year of integration,” political observations that “put weight on the slopes” followed, but on this day the word “inclusion” was used instead of “integration” . The Blue House explained this as “embracing for resolving polarization.”

With public opinion over the amnesty split in two, President Moon’s final position is expected to be resolved only after the Supreme Court’s sentence against former President Park on the 14th. As President Moon’s New Year’s press conference is scheduled to answer reporters’ questions in the middle of this month, it is highly likely that President Moon’s intentions for the amnesty will be revealed.

Lee Nak-yeon, who set fire to the amnesty on New Year’s first day, and Democratic Party representative also remain silent after saying, “I will wait for the Supreme Court ruling.” It is known that Lee is looking at the trend of public opinion after facing fierce backlash from supporters of the pro-moon. Since amnesty is the president’s intrinsic authority, a hamgu order has been actually issued even among the Blue House staff.

The fact that President Moon’s New Year’s address with no prediction of his position on the amnesty is interpreted as meaning that the conflict and worries about this are so deep. According to a poll previously released by Gallup Korea on the 8th of this month, the response that’the current government should not pardon’ (54%) overwhelmed the response (37%) that’the current government should pardon’. However, voices demanding amnesty are remarkably high among the opposition supporters and the age group over 60.

In the passport, it is believed that Lee would not have brought up an amnesty without rapport with President Moon. It is worth noting that the time when Lee mentioned the amnesty was immediately after his monopoly with President Moon at the end of last year.

President Moon Jae-in is giving a New Year’s address at the Blue House on the 11th./Yonhap News

North Korea mentions nuclear ’36 times’… “Peace Korean Peninsula without nuclear weapons”

In President Moon’s New Year’s address on the 11th, there could be no remarks urging North Korea to denuclearize, which publicly took out a tactical nuclear card. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un declared the advancement of nuclear technology, but President Moon reiterated that “the key drivers of the peace process on the Korean Peninsula are dialogue and win-win cooperation.” It is interpreted as reflecting President Moon’s will to re-mediate dialogue between the two Koreas by using the spark of inter-Korean cooperation. However, diplomatic experts and opposition parties have pointed out, “Are you going to help North Korea’s nuclear development?”

In the ‘2021 New Year’s Address’ announced by the Blue House on that day, President Moon suggested directions such as △resuming inter-Korean cooperation, △strengthening the ROK-US alliance, and improving Korea-Japan relations in the field of diplomacy. Rather than the New Year’s address at the beginning of the inauguration, mentions of inter-Korean relations declined, but it was analyzed that the will to resume dialogue became stronger. On the occasion of the inauguration of the US administration of Joe Biden, President Moon expressed his willingness to “strengthen the alliance between Korea and the United States,” and emphasized “future-oriented development” for Korea-Japan relations that continue to cool down.

President Moon’s remarks that emphasized improvement in inter-Korean relations contrasted with North Korea’s actions that had just announced plans to increase nuclear armed forces. President Moon’s remarks remained at the principle level of “a Korean peninsula of peace without war and nuclear weapons” while Chairman Kim declared that he would further advance nuclear weapons. The call for denuclearization toward North Korea is missing. According to the remarks released on the 9th, the fifth day of the Labor Party’s 8th Congress, Chairman Kim called for nuclear reinforcement, using expressions that included “nuclear” such as “nuclear submarines,” and “the national nuclear armed forces construction project” thirty-six times.

President Moon expressed his unwavering determination to restore relations between the leaders of the two Koreas until the first proposal of non-face-to-face communication on this day. President Moon said, “Our will to meet anytime, anywhere and communicate in a non-face-to-face manner remains unchanged.” It is interpreted as a means of setting up a dialogue table regardless of form, considering the situation that North Korea closed its borders due to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

President Moon also presented an inter-Korean cooperation card with quarantine as a link. Last year’s March 1st commemoration address, “I hope for joint cooperation in the health sector with North Korea,” and the continuing spirit was maintained. As a concrete action plan, he cited’Northeast Asia quarantine and health cooperation body’ and’Korea-ASEAN comprehensive health care cooperation’. It can be interpreted that the Biden administration suggested a health cooperation led by our side amid the observation that the Donald Trump-style top-down decision-making, which led to a surprise North American dialogue, could be difficult.

However, it seems unlikely that North Korea will accept our proposal. Chairman Kim had already devalued the Korean government’s quarantine cooperation proposal at the 8th Labor Party Congress. He said, “The South Korean authorities have brought out non-essential issues such as quarantine cooperation, humanitarian cooperation, and individual tourism, giving the impression that they are interested in improving North-South relations.”

President Moon Jae-in is giving a New Year’s address at the Blue House on the 11th./Yonhap News

President Moon also expressed a willingness to resume dialogue between the two Koreas, which was interrupted on the occasion of the inauguration of the Biden administration, but this coming March, when the ROK-US coalition training is conducted immediately, is expected to be a major hurdle in inter-Korean relations. North Korea, which has stipulated that inter-Korean relations have returned to before the Panmunjom Declaration in 2018, has demanded a “suspension of ROK-US combined exercises” as a condition to resume dialogue. In this situation, diplomatic experts point out that if the Korean government asks the US to stop the joint training, as in the case of the Trump administration, conflict with the Biden government cannot be avoided.

The opposition party pointed out that President Moon’s security perception is far from reality. In a commentary, spokesman Choi Hyung-du said, “Kim Jong-un’returned to before the announcement of the Panmunjom Declaration’, but President Moon repeated only’to ensure mutual safety’ and’shared prosperity’ like a broken clock.” “(North Korea) nuclear fist “How do you shake hands and have a conversation while holding and swinging?”

Kim Jong-in, chairman of the People’s Power Emergency Countermeasures Committee, said at the party’s non-commissioning meeting that day, “Chairman Kim announced that he would build a nuclear submarine and talked about the enhancement of the hit rate of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).” Raised his voice.

Meanwhile, President Moon said, “We will continue to strive for future-oriented development.” On the 8th of this month, victims of comfort women in the Japanese military won a lawsuit for damages filed against the Japanese government, and the Japanese side protested. A key official at the Blue House explained, “It is a strange situation to mention quickly,” and explained that “the Korean government has sent a clear stance on improving relations.” / Reporters Yoon Hong-woo, Jin Dong-young, Heo Se-min, and Kim Hye-rin [email protected]

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