文, the first apology for the LH incident… ‘LH Special Prosecutor’ Suddenly Over-Rights Agreement

President Moon Jae-in apologized to the public for the first time since the’LH Incident’, saying, “I apologize for causing concern.” As the people’s power accepted the introduction of a special prosecutor proposed by the Democratic Party, the’LH special prosecutor’ also began to take a rush.

Reporter Jung Kyung-yoon reports.


President Moon Jae-in, who gave a strong response message such as’Balbon Saekwon’ and’Real estate redemption liquidation’ after the’LH Incident’, expressed his intention to apologize for the first time.

[국민들께 큰 심려를 끼쳐드려 송구한 마음입니다. 특히 성실하게 살아가는 국민들께 큰 허탈감과 실망을 드렸습니다.]

Blue House spokesman Kang Min-seok said the background, “It is a sincere response to the public’s feelings of sympathy.”

It is said that the internal opinion of the Blue House was divided over the timing of the apology. As the fire of the LH crisis spread throughout the public office, concerns were raised that the trust in the government’s real estate policy was also raised, and the timing seems to have been set.

In the National Assembly, the power of the people accepted the introduction of a special LH prosecutor proposed by the Democratic Party and a total survey of real estate members of the National Assembly.

[주호영/국민의힘 원내대표 : 거두절미하고 국회의원의 강력한 전수조사는 물론 특검과 국정조사 실시를 요구합니다.]

The Democratic Party expressed its welcome, saying that it would discuss the subject and scope of the special prosecution’s investigation with the power of the people.

[김태년/민주당 대표 직무대행 : 아무 성역이 없는거죠. 청와대와 관련해서도 전수조사를 했다고 말씀드렸고, 필요하다면 국회가 검증할 수 있다고 말씀드렸습니다.]

Even if the ruling and opposition parties hurry to complete the legislation, it will take a month to prepare for the appointment and investigation.
