文, Preview of ‘4th Disaster Subsidies’ Before Election… “The 3rd funding is very short

President Moon Jae-in said on the 1st, “The third disaster subsidy is being paid quickly, but it is very insufficient to prevent continued damage.” He also said, “We will have to find a realistic solution to share the loss and suffering as a whole.”

President Moon Jae-in is attending a meeting of the chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 1st, while the Blue House has taken a strong response to the suspicion of the North Korean nuclear power plant construction project raised by the opposition party, including the power of the people. Reporters

President Moon Jae-in is attending a meeting of the chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 1st, while the Blue House has taken a strong response to the suspicion of the North Korean nuclear power plant construction project raised by the opposition party, including the power of the people. Reporters

President Moon said at a meeting of the Blue House chief and advisors on the same day, “With repeated prolonged quarantine measures, the difficulties of small business owners and self-employed are increasing, and the lives of the vulnerable are becoming more difficult.”

The two systems mentioned by President Moon are interpreted as referring to both the 4th disaster support fund and the loss compensation system being promoted in the passport.

In this regard, President Moon said, “In addition to preparing an institutional plan to compensate for losses caused by the government’s quarantine measures, we are compelled to devise support measures for the damages that occur up to that point.” This is an implied payment of the 4th disaster support fund for the loss. The timing is likely to be before the re-election in April.

On the 25th of last month, President Moon has already instructed to legislate the compensation for losses, saying, “Please review the plan to institutionalize the compensation for losses within a certain range that the finances can afford, and the relevant ministries such as the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, and the party and government review together.”

The big change is the change in perception of the 4th disaster subsidy. At a New Year’s press conference on the 18th of last month, just two weeks ago, he said, “It is too early to speak of the 4th subsidy,” and expressed a position close to premature to discuss the 4th disaster support fund that the ruling party was promoting.

The background of President Moon’s change in perception is related to the fact that the social distancing stage has not been lowered ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday, and the burden on small businessmen is increasing.

President Moon said on this day, “The number of coronavirus confirmed cases per day is likely to drop to 300 or below, but it is increasing again due to group infections at some religious facilities.” “In the end, the difficult situation for the lives of people including self-employed people continues. I am really upset.” He said, “I am very sorry for not being able to accept the request to increase business hours by even an hour, and to postpone the decision again.”

In addition, the Democratic Party is reviewing a plan to formulate the 4th disaster subsidy budget, which includes support for the affected industry and the entire population, and then execute the budget for the victims first, and determine the timing of the disaster support according to the quarantine situation. In this case, the required budget is considered to be around 20 to 30 trillion won. It is inevitable to organize a’super extra’ through issuance of deficit government bonds.

President Moon Jae-in attends and speaks at a meeting of the chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 1st, while the Blue House has taken a strong response to the suspicion of the North Korean nuclear power plant construction project raised by the opposition party, including the power of the people. Photo Reporters

President Moon Jae-in attends and speaks at a meeting of the chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 1st, while the Blue House has taken a strong response to the suspicion of the North Korean nuclear power plant construction project raised by the opposition party, including the power of the people. Photo Reporters

President Moon also mentioned the situation where it is difficult for families to gather during the Lunar New Year holidays due to the ban on gatherings of five or more people. He said, “I am very sorry to ask you to refrain from visiting my hometown and moving to my hometown again this New Year, following Chuseok,” he said. “I desperately want to ease the quarantine measures by stabilizing the corona situation as soon as possible. “Do it.”

President Moon said, “We will transparently disclose the entire process, such as transportation, storage, and vaccination,” related to the corona vaccine vaccination. “It is a task that arouses public anxiety or interferes with the vaccination by spreading false news or false information that is different from the facts. If there is, it cannot but be strict.”

Reporter Kang Tae-hwa [email protected]
