文 Directly said, “I handed the USB to Kim Jong-un”… at the time, the staff was “false”

The controversy over the case of the deletion of North Korean nuclear power files by officials of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy is getting hotter. In particular, President Moon Jae-in’s’participation in the war’ shows signs of ignition as the biggest political issue ahead of the re-election in April.

President Moon Jae-in (right) and Chairman Kim Jong-un have a chat while taking a walk in'Doboda-ri' on April 27, 2018.  After the talks at the time, which were'silenced' for 44 minutes, the Blue House

President Moon Jae-in (right) and Chairman Kim Jong-un have a chat while taking a walk in’Doboda-ri’ on April 27, 2018. After the talks, which were’silent’ for 44 minutes, at the time, the Blue House confirmed that “I put the New Economy Concept on USB and handed it over to Chairman Kim. There are power plant-related contents in it.” [청와대사진기자단]

The starting point is the 530 files that a public official from the Ministry of Industry deleted just before the inspection of the 1st Wolseong nuclear power plant. The deleted files contain a number of files implying North Korean nuclear power. The prosecution’s indictment revealed that officials had deleted the file just before the audit, and the controversy spread to’concealment suspicion’.

As sensitive issues emerged, the power of the people Kim Jong-in took the lead. He said, “The deleted document is a black box containing all of the early shutdown of nuclear power plants,” he said through an unusual position on the 29th. “Attempting to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea in top secret was a shocking transfer act that could shake the fate of the regime.” did.

The Blue House also immediately refuted.

Blue House spokesman Kang Min-seok said, “No matter how much ahead of the election, it is an irresponsible remark that is no different from the Duke of North Poong. We will respond strongly, including legal action.” The Cheong Wa Dae made it clear that it was actually a direct order from President Moon, saying, “It cannot be different from the will of the President,” regarding the spokesman’s remarks.

Kim Jong-in, Chairman of the People's Power Emergency Response Committee, related to the suspicion of nuclear power supply

Kim Jong-in, Chairman of the People’s Power Emergency Countermeasures Committee, strongly criticized the suspicion of supporting nuclear power plants in North Korea, saying that it was a “transfer act.” In response, the Blue House formed a “legal response” and confronted it with a head-on response. News 1

In a call with the JoongAng Ilbo on the 31st, a passport official said, “Because it is a very sensitive issue, it would have been reflected in the judgment that the possibility of becoming a major issue in the election was not reflected.” “The opposition party launched a general offensive in the question of the National Assembly It is also necessary to take a closer look at this.”

President Moon has a strong sense of problem with the post-North Korea frame ahead of the election. In his book 『1219 The End Is Beginning』, he wrote that the Jongbuk frame was called’evil magic’ and said, “It did not stop at a disadvantage in the mid-scale expansion competition, but it became a driving force to mobilize conservative voters to the voting hall.” He said, “It was the decisive frustration of me and the Democratic Party (2012 presidential election) that were helpless to sell the Democratic Party and the entire democratic camp to the’Secondary North’.”

When President Moon’s strong stance was confirmed, all passports began shooting. In particular, people from the Blue House stopped the commission.

Democratic Party lawmaker Yun Gun-young, who was involved in inter-Korean summits as head of the Blue House State Administration Office, argued that “there is no North Korean nuclear power plant construction in any of the inter-Korean summits and exchange and cooperation projects.” He said, “It is possible that a government official of the Ministry of Industry may have made a concession and reviewed the related contents, but the fact that there was such a content on the computer of the official cannot be regarded as a policy promotion promoted by the government.”

The list of files to be deleted at Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant also includes documents on the trends of civil organizations and KHNP unions that opposed the policy of the nuclear power plant. [일람표 캡처]

The list of files to be deleted at Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant also includes documents on the trends of civil organizations and KHNP unions that opposed the policy of the nuclear power plant. [일람표 캡처]

Former secretary Cho Han-gi, who served as the Blue House protocol secretary and the first subsidiary, said, “It is false that President Moon handed over the power plant USB to Chairman Kim Jong-un at Doboda-ri, Panmunjeom.” “It is a malicious advocacy that the two leaders would have made a deal under water. Distortion”.

However, contrary to the words of former secretary Cho, the fact that President Moon handed a USB to Chairman Kim during the April 27 inter-Korean summit in 2018 was already revealed to be true through a spokesman for the Blue House. Kim Eui-gyeom, a spokesman for the Blue House, introduced President Moon’s remarks, saying, “I directly confirmed the JoongAng Ilbo report (page 5 of April 30, 2018) with President Moon.”

At the time, President Moon said, “I handed over a piece of data to the North Korean State Council Chairman Kim Jong-un, and it contains (a power plant-related issue). The New Economy Initiative and New Economy Initiative were made into a booklet and PT video and handed over to Chairman Kim. And in the video, in the PT video, there is a content related to the power plant.” He added that the data was “contained in USB and delivered.”

In the end, the allegations that former secretary Cho called “false” denied even President Moon’s explanation.

President Moon Jae-in (second from right) and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (second from left) sign the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification on the Korean Peninsula at the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit held at the Panmunjom Peace House on April 27, 2019. .  To the right of President Moon is the Blue House Protocol Secretary at the time of Han-ki Cho.  Former secretary Cho, the Blue House officially announced

President Moon Jae-in (second from right) and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (second from left) sign the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification on the Korean Peninsula at the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit held at the Panmunjom Peace House on April 27, 2019. . To the right of President Moon is the Blue House Protocol Secretary at the time of Han-ki Cho. Former secretary Cho made a false claim of “fake” to the fact that the Blue House officially revealed “USB delivery”. [청와대사진기자단]

One official of the people’s power said, “I fully admit that the idea of ​​North Korea’s nuclear power plant was reviewed according to the long-term plan, as Congressman Kun-Young Yoon argued, and that it is a part to be prepared for by the state. While promoting post-nuclear power in Korea, North Korea has an obligation to clarify the background of its attempts to support nuclear power.”

The Blue House expressed a strong response to Chairman Kim Jong-in’s remarks, but avoided answering reporters’ questions about suspicions related to deletion of files, saying, “I will not comment on the rest of the matter (other than Kim’s remarks).”

Reporter Kang Tae-hwa [email protected]
