文 Choo Mi-ae’s Ministry of Justice, who said “the mission was accomplished”, was the last in the evaluation line

Four ministries carrying out the core tasks of the Moon Jae-in administration received C, which is the’last’ grade side by side in the work evaluation.

Unification Minister Lee In-young and Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae speak at the main assembly hall of the National Assembly where questions about the government were held in the political field.  The Ministry of Unification and the Ministry of Justice, led by the two ministers, received a C, which is the last place in the evaluation of last year announced by the Prime Minister's Office on the 26th.  yunhap news

Unification Minister Lee In-young and Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae speak at the main assembly hall of the National Assembly where questions about the government were held in the political field. The Ministry of Unification and the Ministry of Justice, led by the two ministers, received a C, which is the last place in the evaluation of last year announced by the Prime Minister’s Office on the 26th. yunhap news

In the 2020 work evaluation of 43 central administrative agencies announced by the Prime Minister’s Office on the 26th (23 at the ministerial level and 20 at the vice-minister level), the lowest grade C grades were received by the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Unification, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, and the Fair Trade Commission. These ministries are ministries with tasks that President Moon proposed as its core pledge.

In particular, it is noteworthy that the Ministry of Justice, who said that President Moon had “completely fulfilled the duties assigned by the times,” was evaluated as last. On the 16th of last month, when Minister Choo Mi-ae proposed a disciplinary proposal against Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, President Moon said, “It was not the momentum and determination of Minister Chu, and reforms of power institutions, including reform of the airlift and the power of investigation, would have been impossible.”

President Moon, however, apologized when the Administrative Court decided to invalidate the disciplinary bill. At the New Year’s press conference on the 18th, he said, “I feel sorry to the people because the conflict seems to have emerged.” Minister Chu was announced as a replacement target at the end of the year. Currently, the National Assembly personnel hearing is being held by Democratic Party lawmaker Park Bum-gye, his successor.

The Prime Minister’s office said to the Ministry of Justice, “There is a concern about confusion and increased public discomfort in the actual application ahead of full-scale operations such as adjustment of public authorities and investigative powers.” “Efforts to ensure that the reforms of power institutions are properly implemented in the field through meticulous preparation and strengthening institutional cooperation It is necessary” he pointed out. The settlement of red waste was President Moon’s’first pledge’.

The Ministry of Unification, in charge of Minister Lee In-young, also received the last rank. The Ministry of Unification received A grade in 2018, when the inter-Korean and North Korean-US summit meetings were held, but received a C grade for two consecutive years since 2019, after inter-Korean relations slumped.

On September 16, last year, Unification Minister Lee In-young visited Panmunjeom in Paju City, Gyeonggi-do and toured Doboda-ri.  Photo Joint Report

On September 16, last year, Unification Minister Lee In-young visited Panmunjeom in Paju City, Gyeonggi-do and toured Doboda-ri. Photo Joint Report

The Ministry of Unification promoted individual North Korean tourism, barter-based trade, and quarantine supplies to break through the inter-Korean relationship last year, but each time it raised controversy over the violation of UN sanctions. In particular, North Korea publicly denounced the Unification Ministry’s proposal, and in June of last year, it blew up the inter-Korean liaison office. The law against North Korean warfare, which passed the National Assembly plenary session last month, is engulfed by controversy over the violation of freedom of expression through the international community, including the opposition party, the US Congress and the United Nations.

The Prime Minister’s Office said to the Ministry of Unification, “Changes in diplomatic issues are expected as the leadership of major countries such as the inauguration of the Biden government and the inauguration of Prime Minister Suga are expected to change.” “It is necessary to stably manage diplomatic issues by devising strategies tailored to the characteristics of each government.” Pointed out.

The women’s wife, who suffered from violence against children and allegations of sexual harassment by politicians last year, also received a C grade.

In particular, Lee Jung-ok, former Minister of Leisure and Family Affairs, who attended the plenary meeting of the Women’s and Family Committee of the National Assembly last month, was instructed to’quiet’ without gaining the right to speak. It was a decision at the National Assembly level when former Minister Lee mentioned that “people’s identity is an opportunity to collectively learn gender sensibility” in the by-election of the Mayor of Seoul and Busan in April. President Moon replaced him last month when a hard request for former minister Lee continued even in the ruling party. President Moon’s pledge includes a promise to “make a Republic of Korea safe from gender violence.”

Former Minister of Gender Equality and Family Lee Jung-ok (right) attended the general meeting of the Gender Equality Committee held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the 2nd of last month to hear the comments of lawmakers.  Former Minister Lee attended the plenary meeting on the condition that he did not answer questions.  He was replaced at the opening in December.  News 1

Former Minister of Gender Equality and Family Lee Jung-ok (right) attended the general meeting of the Gender Equality Committee held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the 2nd of last month to hear the comments of lawmakers. Former Minister Lee attended the plenary meeting on the condition that he did not answer questions. He was replaced at the opening in December. News 1

In addition, the FTC, which undertook the task of a fair Republic of Korea, such as economic democratization, which President Moon proposed as the ‘2nd pledge’ following the liquidation of red waste, was also rated C. The current chairman of the Fair Trade Commission Cho Sung-ok has been in office since September 2019. The first chairman of the Fair Trade Commission is Kim Sang-jo, the current head of the Blue House Policy Office.

The Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Welfare, etc. received A grade in this evaluation. In particular, it is noteworthy that the Ministry of Finance, led by Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki, recently received the highest evaluation from the financial controversy for corona support.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, which was in charge of real estate policy, which is evaluated to have had a great influence on the decline in President Moon’s approval rating, was rated as B. Regarding the government’s real estate policy, the Prime Minister’s office pointed out that “public rental housing was supplied beyond the original target, but there was a shortage of supply to meet the needs of consumers, and the facility level of existing supply housing was insufficient.” As a particularly insufficient case, “In the case of Dongtan Complex A, 407 households (25%) out of 1,640 households had vacancy.”

On the morning of the 11th of last month, President Moon Jae-in is talking with Kim Hyun-mi, then Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and then Byeon Chang-heum, then Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport candidates (current minister) at Dongtan Public Rental Housing, a commemorative complex of 1 million LH rental housing in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do. .  yunhap news

On the morning of the 11th of last month, President Moon Jae-in is talking with Kim Hyun-mi, then Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and then Byeon Chang-heum, then Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport candidates (current minister) at Dongtan Public Rental Housing, a commemorative complex of 1 million LH rental housing in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do. . yunhap news

The complex is the place where President Moon visited last month with the current Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum and then-Minister Kim Hyun-mi, who were candidates. President Moon visited an apartment with a floor space of 13 pyeong at the time and said, “One child is the standard for newlyweds, and in the case of small children, two are possible.” On the controversy, the Blue House also explained, “The president’s wording was a’question.'”

Reporter Kang Tae-hwa [email protected]
