文 Amnesty today, New Year’s address without mention…

New Year’s Address, Amnesty and Message to North Korea on the 11th

4~5 ministries during week

In the mid-term, Tae-ho Jung and Joong-Sik were discussed in the industry.

President Moon Jae-in is greeting at the ‘2021 New Year’s Greetings’ held on video at the Blue House main building on the morning of the 7th./Yonhap News

President Moon Jae-in announces a New Year’s address for 2021 at the Blue House on the morning of the 11th. In addition to the concrete vision of a’leader country’ mentioned in the New Year’s meeting, the level of response to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s remarks to strengthen nuclear armed forces is noted. President Moon is known to carry out a heavy reshuffle this week ahead of the New Year’s press conference scheduled for mid-month.

An official from the Blue House visited Chun-Chu-gwan on the 10th and said, “President Moon’s New Year’s address is composed of content that reveals his willingness to recover and leap to a leading country in the new year.” “Although such a determination has been added as an extension of the policy, it is special to strengthen inclusion in the recovery and leap forward. He said, “I have a determination.” While the direction of the New Year’s address was set in a large frame, it is reported that President Moon directly revised the main phrases without an official schedule.

Political circles are paying attention to whether President Moon’s intention for the special pardon of former Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, which was lit by Democratic Party representative Lee Nak-yeon, will be included in this New Year’s address, but it seems unlikely that it will be mentioned. There were observations that President Moon put weight on the amnesty over what he previously mentioned as “a year of integration”, but the Blue House warned against expanding interpretation, saying, “It refers to the integration of the people to overcome the corona.”

In addition, I am interested in how Chairman Kim will respond to the message to the US and South Korea presented through the 8th Congress of the North Korean Labor Party. Chairman Kim formalized the development of nuclear submarines, and devalued the “quarantine cooperation” proposed by President Moon as “a non-essential problem.” However, with the clue’depending on the attitude of the South Korean authorities’, the room for improvement in inter-Korean relations was left subtle.

President Moon will continue to emphasize his will for peace on the Korean Peninsula, but he is expected to give a message to the effect that improvement in inter-Korean relations is still important ahead of the launch of a new US administration. It is highly likely that it will not specifically comment on the unreasonable demands of North Korea, such as bringing in advanced military equipment and halting combined ROK-US training.

Meanwhile, after the announcement of the New Year’s address, President Moon is known to carry out a heavy reshuffle this weekend to change the ministers of 4 to 5 ministries. While the replacement of the Ministry of Small and Medium Venture Businesses, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Food, and the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism is influential, Democratic Party lawmaker Jeong Tae-ho and current vice-minister Kang Seong-cheon are mentioned as the successors of the Minister of Commerce, Culture, Sports, and Tourism Park Young-sun. In addition, Democratic Party lawmaker Jo Joong-sik as the Minister of Industry and former head of the Cultural Heritage Administration Chung Jae-sook as the Minister of Culture and Sports are reported to have become a variable at the last minute.
/ Reporter Yoon Hong-woo [email protected]

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