文 “Already secure enough vaccine” Eun-kyung Jung said, “Contracts for 36 million people”

President Moon Jae-in is speaking at a meeting of chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 28th. [청와대사진기자단]

President Moon Jae-in is speaking at a meeting of chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 28th. [청와대사진기자단]

President Moon Jae-in said on the 28th, “There are concerns that Korea has not sufficiently secured the vaccine or that vaccination will be delayed. It’s not true.” It was at a meeting of chief and advisors held at the Blue House. This is the first time that President Moon has directly refuted the criticism of securing the vaccine for the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

President Moon said, “The government has been operating a government-wide support system for several months and has been making every effort to secure vaccines by listening to experts’ opinions.” The government organized and operated the Pan-Governmental Support Committee for Corona 19 Treatment and Vaccine Development in April and the Vaccine Introduction Task Force (TF) in June. Within the government, in particular, regarding the vaccine TF, it is argued that “it was composed of quarantine officials who had no experience of purchasing a vaccine and had no relation to the vaccine” (a high-ranking official who requested anonymity), but President Moon denied this view. President Moon said, “We have revealed the strategy and goal of vaccination several times. We are progressing smoothly according to the original policy.”

President Moon also said, “We have already secured sufficient quantities of (vaccines) and are pursuing to secure additional quantities in case of an unexpected situation.” Of the vaccines, we have concluded a purchase contract for 36 million people.” Since South Korea has not yet secured a quantity suitable for the entire population, President Moon’s comments may be controversial. According to statistics compiled on a daily basis, 32 out of 37 member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have more than 100% of the vaccines secured to their population.

President Moon Jae-in is speaking at a meeting of chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 28th. [청와대사진기자단]

President Moon Jae-in is speaking at a meeting of chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 28th. [청와대사진기자단]

President Moon said, “Efforts are being made to advance the time of introduction of the vaccine, and we are thoroughly preparing for vaccination.” “From February next year, the government will start vaccination with priority targets such as group prisoners and workers at medical staff and elderly care facilities. We expect to be able to do it.”

He said, “The most important basic principle of the government to deal with coronas is the disclosure of transparent information,” he said. “The same applies to vaccines.” President Moon argued that “except for the security that must be observed in the process of negotiations and contracts for vaccine introduction, the government’s policy was revealed at that time, and the people are seeing that the policy is being realized one by one.”

President Moon reiterated his expectations for the development of a treatment for Corona 19. President Moon explained, “The government has revealed the prospect that the vaccine development is still different from the world level, but the treatment will not fall behind, and it is proceeding without a hitch.” The Blue House and passport officials have been saying, “The domestic corona treatment to be marketed in January next year will be a’Game Changer’.”

President Moon also said, “If the drug is rapidly developed and commercialized, another way to overcome the corona will be opened,” and showed expectation that the treatment will become a’game changer’. President Moon said, “Korea will continue to contribute to the world by becoming another model country with all three measures of quarantine, vaccine, and treatment, going beyond the leading country in quarantine.

With the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) spreading nationwide every day, medical staff are conducting free tests for citizens at the Corona 19 Temporary Screening Clinic in the parking lot of Hanbat Gymnasium in Daejeon on the 28th.  Reporter Kim Seong-tae

With the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) spreading nationwide every day, medical staff are conducting free tests for citizens at the Corona 19 Temporary Screening Clinic in the parking lot of Hanbat Gymnasium in Daejeon on the 28th. Reporter Kim Seong-tae

President Moon said, “People who are in crisis of living due to economic shock as well as suffering from corona infection and death, those suffering from frozen employment, unemployment, and unpaid leave, all have a hard time “There is,” he said, “the government will never turn away from that fact and face it, and we will do our best to overcome difficulties together.”

Reporter Yoon Seongmin [email protected]
