安 Meets Hong Joon-pyo “It’s very difficult to be stupid…I saw Ahn Chul-soo lowered her body”

On August 29, 2017, Ahn Chul-soo, the new CEO of the National Assembly Party, visited the company’s representative office of the Liberal Korean Party in Yeouido, Seoul, and greets CEO Hong Jun-pyo. © News1

Independent Congressman Hong Joon-pyo, who is taking the next presidential challenge as the final destination of his life, said on the 11th that after meeting with Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, Nan Deuk-hodo (難得糊塗), spoken by Chinese Qing painter and poet Jeong Seop, came to mind.

It seems that the more well-off people pop out from here and there, the more important it is to lower themselves.

Representative Hong met with Representative Ahn, who visited Donghwa Temple in Daegu, for about an hour. Congressman Hong and Representative Ahn were wary of an enlarged interpretation that the visit time of the monk Jinje, who was the servant of the Jogye Order, coincidentally overlapped.

Kim Jong-in, chairman of the People’s Strength, “There is no integration between the People’s Party and the Party’s Party,” stressed that the Mayor of the People’s Power of Seoul should be a candidate representing the opposition, and pressed Ahn. Accordingly, there is a possibility that Ahn sent a gesture to Congressman Hong, a’conservative giant’ in order to meet the power of the people.

After meeting with Representative Ahn, Congressman Hong requested on his Facebook page that he wanted to live his life as “Nang Jung Ji-chu, but from this year on, he has to live the life of Nan Deuk-ho-do.” “I said.

“However, seeing CEO Ahn Chul-soo, it seems that it makes sense,” he emphasized.

Nang Jung Ji-chu refers to the political history of Congressman Hong, who has not formed any other faction until now, and has been a conservative 1st party leader, party representative, and presidential candidate.

The dictionary meaning of Nan Deukhodo is that it is difficult to make a shiny object look blurry by applying dirt or paste, but it is generally used as a meaning that it is difficult to hide the smartness and live like a fool.

In the early Qing Dynasty, the painter and poet Jeong Seop (commonly referred to as Jeong Pangyo after Hoin Pangyo) pursued a free life under the philosophy of’No perfect person or only wrongdoing’.

One of the words he expressed his philosophy is’Nan Deuk Hodo’, which means’a real genius is that a genius lowers himself as much as possible and behaves like a fool.’ It is also linked to’Heo Heo Silsil’ of the Sonja Byungbeop by saying that you can achieve your goal if you lower yourself and deal with everything.

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