善 vs 惡 policy frame… Sharing and reforming and sharing

Profit Sharing System·Social Solidarity Fund
Various policies wrapped in’good words’
If you disagree, you will be’immoral’

Lee Nak-yeon, the representative of the Democratic Party (right), speaks at the Democratic Party's'Post Corona Inequality Relief TF First Meeting' held at the National Assembly House of Representatives on the 15th.  On the left is Hong Ik-pyo, Chairman of the Democratic Party Policy Committee.  National Company Reporters

Lee Nak-yeon, the representative of the Democratic Party (right), speaks at the Democratic Party’s’Post Corona Inequality Relief TF First Meeting’ held at the National Assembly House of Representatives on the 15th. On the left is Hong Ik-pyo, Chairman of the Democratic Party Policy Committee. National Company Reporters

Lee Nak-yeon, the leader of the Democratic Party, announced on the 15th that “we must win the war against corona inequality.” Representative Lee said at the Supreme Council of the Democratic Party on the same day, “The benefit-sharing system is to find a solution to mutual mutual aid in the spirit of community in such a (polarization) reality.” By putting the frame of “inequality” in the polarization caused by Corona 19, opposing related policies such as the benefit-sharing system is a statement that prescribes that there is no spirit of community.

On the same day, Democratic Party lawmaker Song Young-gil suggested on social media that the tenant share 50% of the shopping mall rent, the country 25%, and the landlord 25%. He said, “We need to effectively compensate the loss by raising the tax credit provided to the’good landlord’ to 100%.” In the opposition, a reaction came out asking,’Is the lessor who does not reduce the rent is a bad lessor?’

The passport is further strengthening the’frame politics’ in the name of overcoming the Corona 19 crisis. Fairness and reform were packaged with good intentions, but in reality, they are’partnership’ or campaigns to win elections.

'善 vs 惡'policy frame…  Sharing and reforming and sharing

In the economic field, the Corona Profit Sharing System, the Good Landlord Movement, and the 3rd Safety Net Act (Platform Workers Act, Essential Workers Act, and Housework Workers Act enactment bill) were newly introduced. This is a follow-up policy following the 3rd Corporate Regulation Act, such as the amendment to the Commercial Act with’fairness’ and the handling of the Serious Disaster Act under the name of’prevention of outsourcing of risk’. The Democratic Party held its first meeting on the 13th, following the launch of the’Post Corona Inequality Relief’ Task Force (TF) to introduce the corona benefit-sharing system. The safety net 3 Act, which promoted the protection of vulnerable workers such as domestic workers, is to be dealt with by the provisional National Assembly next month.

In the non-economic field,’reform of power institutions’ was brought out again. Recently, as rulings against the passport officials came out one after another, the prosecution was in the name of reform, and the court was also willing to make corrections. Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Jong-min said on the day that “Now, we must begin to think about how democratic judicial control should be achieved.

Political critic Hwang Tae-soon pointed out, “The goal should be to increase the common interests of the people rather than on good and evil.” did.

Good Landlord·Safety Net 3 Laws… ‘Separating the People’ for Each Bill and Policy
With justifications such as fairness and safety, corporate imprisonment is poured out

In addition, from the beginning of the year, the Democratic Party declared a’war on corona inequality’, and started once again in’frame politics’. Starting with the Corona Profit Sharing System, it is a movement to implement policies aimed at resolving inequality, such as the Social Solidarity Fund, the Good Landlord Movement, and the Safety Net 3 Act (Platform Workers Act, Essential Workers Act, Enactment of the House Workers Act). It is analyzed that it is spurring the politics of splitting in good faith ahead of the by-election of Seoul and Busan mayors in April.

與 of giving corporate money to self-employed

The Democratic Party’s leadership announced at the Party’s Supreme Council on the 15th that it would support self-employed and small business owners by collecting money from companies through the Corona Profit Sharing System. Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon, referring to his visit to the underground shopping center in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul the day before, said, “The screams of merchants are still stabbing in my ears to my heart.” He emphasized the necessity of the Corona benefit-sharing system, saying, “Just as the people succeeded in quarantine through solidarity and cooperation, we can overcome inequality by working together.” Next, top commissioner Park Hong-bae said, “There are companies that enjoy special benefits from corona, and it is the result of the transfer of sales of small business owners and self-employed people.” He said, “For companies, solidarity and cooperation are necessary conditions for survival,” he said, and pressured companies to participate in the Corona profit-sharing system.

Some of the ruling party are arguing for the introduction of funds or taxes in the name of’social solidarity’. Rep. Lee Sang-min argued that “the benefit-sharing system does not guarantee voluntary participation,” and argued that “it is appropriate to use the’social solidarity tax’.” Rep. Lee Yong-woo said, “We present the frame of creating a social solidarity fund.” The business community is concerned that it will eventually become a’arm twist’, a company under the name of’social solidarity’.

Pressure to cut rent in the name of’good landlord’

Passports are also engaged in the’good landlord movement’ in the name of protecting tenants. While ordering voluntary rent cuts by lessors, the government is promoting a method of providing tax benefits such as income deductions for rent cuts. President Moon Jae-in said in his New Year’s address on the 11th, referring to the’good rent movement’ and saying, “I found a way to live with neighbors in trouble.”

Regarding the movement for good landlords, criticism is also rising inside the passport. Goyang Mayor Lee Jae-joon, a member of the Democratic Party, pointed out in a press article that “There are no good landlords or bad landlords,” and “you should not force yourself to be’good’.”

The Democratic Party is planning to deal with the Safety Net 3 Act in an extraordinary National Assembly next month. Contrary to the premise of providing a’safety net’ to vulnerable workers such as platform workers, there are concerns that related jobs may decrease due to rising labor costs.

Expert “I’m trying to have fun with the election with the dichotomy”

Experts criticized the rule of’corona inequality’ as being illogical. Dong-geun Cho, an emeritus professor of economics at Myongji University, said, “It is a single-celled idea to claim that inequality is based only on the result after a certain phenomenon appears.” Pointed out. Political critic Hwang Tae-soon criticized “The ruling party is trying to divide society into two and have fun as the election approaches.”

Experts emphasized that the frame politics that fit into the frame of good and evil with arbitrary standards should now be stopped. Shinyul, professor of political science at Myongji University, said, “The government has always created a frame of good and evil, such as’outsourcing of death’.” . Professor Shin said, “The ruling party tends to emphasize goodwill in areas where it is not confident, such as real estate economic policy.” Sang-Byeong Park, a visiting professor at Inha University’s Graduate School of Policy Studies, pointed out that “the ruling party is focusing on the’Frame Public Opinion War’ in order not to admit that the ruling party made a mistake in policy design from the beginning.”

Reporter Dowon Lim/Sanghoon Sung [email protected]
