丁’Arrived in early February for 50,000 initial vaccine doses’…野 “Will the vaccination decision be smooth?”

“Pointing out that the government continues to come up with shortsighted measures”

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun said, “Today is exactly one year since the first corona 19 confirmed in Korea,” said “This year is the first year of corona 19 overcoming. The government will do its best to make it possible.”

Kim Jong-in, chairman of the People’s Strength Emergency Countermeasures Committee, is speaking at the Special Committee on People’s Strength Corona 19 Countermeasures held at the National Assembly on the morning of the 20th. / Reporter Kwon Wook

“I think it is time to actively review the aspects of how the government will compensate for economic difficulties for small business owners and self-employed persons and economic losses for a year,” said Kim Jong-in, chairman of the Emergency Response Committee at the Special Committee on Corona 19 Countermeasures held at the National Assembly on this day. It is said that the unexpected situation due to the corona is similar to the common natural disaster.” “In the event of a natural disaster, the government has such a system that compensates for economic losses caused by natural disasters, and this is also inevitable to think whether such a form of compensation should be given to the affected economic entities.” “In order to do that, shouldn’t we explain how the government will make more active fiscal inputs?”

He said, “It is difficult to determine when the corona will end now.” “It is said that vaccination is possible around the end of February, but the government has not yet revealed a clear position as to what type of vaccination vaccine is.” He pointed out that when the vaccination is started, it is not accurately stated, and as reported in the press, when distrust about the vaccine does not go to the public, we cannot but doubt whether the vaccination decision will be smooth.” .

Ho-young Joo is speaking at the 9th meeting of the Special Committee on Countermeasures against Corona 19, the Power of the People, held at the National Assembly on the morning of the 20th. / Reporter Kwon Wook

Ho-young Joo said, “The government has been self-praised for K-Defense, but if you look into it for a year, the Moon Jae-in administration’s corona countermeasures are public confidence due to the mask outbreak in March, the political quarantine consumption coupon controversy in August, the delay in securing vaccines last month, and the Eastern detention center crisis. Rather than repeating many failures and tabletop administration, he said, “As some point out that the government continues to come up with short-sighted countermeasures, it is urgent to check the COVID-19 countermeasures across the Republic of Korea at this point.” In addition, “The government seems to be trying to avoid the criticism of the failure to secure the vaccine early by mentioning the side effects of the vaccine.” It seems that it is intended to avoid criticism of the lack of a vaccine.”

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun is presiding over a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters in response to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) held at the government office in Seoul on the morning of the 20th. /yunhap news

Prime Minister Chung said at a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters held at the Seoul Government Complex on the same day, “Looking back, the past year has been a series of’challenge and response’ every day.” “So far, more than 70,000 people have been infected. As the precious lives of 1,300 people were sacrificed, our society was seriously injured.” He continued, “However, the past year was also a time to reaffirm our image of becoming stronger in the midst of a crisis,” he said. “In Korea, rather than relying on a strong’blockade’, we set a social distance based on a 3T strategy. It has been well over the crisis several times while developing it into quarantine.”

Prime Minister Chung will also appear on MBC radio’Kim Jong-bae’s attention’ and receive an initial dose of 50,000 vaccines at the beginning of next month through COVAX facility, a vaccine joint purchase alliance. I announced that I was preparing to do it. He said, “Of the 10 million contracted with Kobax Facility, there is a possibility that the initial shipment will arrive in February.” “I am preparing by answering’I will receive’ after receiving a call asking if I can receive it in early February.” . He said, “There is not much quantity,” he said, “It is 100,000 doses, for about 50,000 people, and it is not confirmed, and we are discussing it.” In addition, when asked by the facilitator, “Is it right for the primary vaccination target to be the medical staff?” “It is most likely” and “TF (Task Force) is formed, and the medical staff and the high-risk group closely discuss what to do in this way. I am doing it.”
/ Reporter Jisu Kang [email protected]

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