​[정주영 20주기] Chairman Eui-sun Eui, who continues the spirit of the founder of Hyundai

In the 20th anniversary of Hyundai Group’s honorary chairman Chung Ju-young, the role of Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Eui-sun Eui-seon is once again being emphasized.

This is because, as the grandson of the honorary chairman Chung Ju-young and one of the pillars of the Korean industry that continues his management philosophy, this year is in earnest. In particular, Chairman Chung must lead a large-scale fleet of Hyundai Gaga beyond the new wave of future cars, like Honorary Chairman Joo-young Chung, who wrote a history of challenge in a wasteland.

The late Chung Ju-young, honorary chairman of Hyundai Group. [사진=현대자동차 제공]

◆ Chairman Chung Ju-young, the first to visit the Cheong Undong in the 20th anniversary of the honorary chairman, Chung Ju-young

According to the Hyundai Motor Group, on the 21st, one day before the 20th anniversary of Honorary Chairman Chung, the former Hyundai family gathered at their home in Cheongun-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul to celebrate his will and spirit.

Cheongundong’s home is the former residence of the honorary chairman Chung Ju-young, and he inherited his son Chung Mong-koo, the honorary chairman of Hyundai Motor Group in March 2019, and is now a sacred place of the Pan-hyundai family.

In particular, it is known that at 4:30 pm on the 20th, Chairman Chung first visited the Cheongdong Movement and met family relatives such as the sixth son Chung Mong-jun, the chairman of the Asan Foundation, Chung Mong-jun, the seventh son, and the seventh son Jung Mong-yoon, the chairman of Hyundai Marine Corp., and the eighth son Chung Mong-il, the CEO of Hyundai Enterprise Finance. . He is the grandson and he has taken on the role of the group’s orthodox successor.

Earlier, in October of last year, he became the chairman of the Hyundai Motor Group and inherited the will of honorary chairman Chung Ju-young and honorary chairman Chung Mong-koo. This means that his role as the head of the Hyundai Motor Group and the center of the Hyundai family has become even more significant.

In addition, Chairman Chung is taking this year as the first year of the big picture’future car transformation’ for the group’s sustainable management. There is no other choice but to worry about the path that the predecessors took and the path he should go in the future.

In 1991, the late Hyundai Group Honorary Chairman Chung Ju-young (right) and his son Chung Mong-koo, the honorary chairman of Hyundai Motor Group, are visiting Hyundai Precision Industries (now Hyundai Mobis)’s Mexico plant. [사진=현대자동차 제공]

◆ Common keywords for’People’s Wasteland’… Changes from latecomers to leaders

In the industry, it is believed that Chairman Chung and Honorary Chairman Joo-Young Chung are bound by a common keyword,’Paving a wasteland. In fact, in the 1940s, when honorary chairman Chung Ju-young created the automobile maintenance company’Ado Service’, his concern was’future industry’. The answer was found in the automobile industry, and they set out to realize their grand ambition of’industrial preservation.’

Even in the words of honorary chairman Chung Ju-young, his will is clearly revealed. He said, “If the roads of the country are arteries, automobiles are like blood.” “The automobile industry is the most necessary industry for the country, and I will not give up automobiles.”

Honorary Chairman Chung’s foresight was not wrong. The automobile industry has established itself at the core of the global economy, and Emeritus Chairman Chung Mong-koo has made Hyundai Motor Group the world’s fifth-largest automobile company based on the foundation laid by his father. It is also the background that enabled Korea to grow into the world’s top 10 export powerhouse along with semiconductors and shipbuilding.

On the afternoon of the 20th, Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Eui-sun Eui-sun enters the home of Cheongundong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, where the 20th anniversary ceremony of Hyundai Group’s honorary chairman Jeong Ju-young is held. [사진=연합뉴스]

◆ Transformation of the eco-friendly car paradigm… “Chairman Chung will lead the domestic industry as a leader”

However, amid the paradigm shift in the automobile market of eco-friendly vehicles, the existing internal combustion locomotives are at a crossroads of existence. Major global automakers, such as Ford in the US, Volvo Motors in Sweden, and Volkswagen in Germany, have declared the transition to eco-friendly vehicles within the next 10 years. The same is true of other companies, only the point of view is slightly different. This means that in the next 20 years, internal combustion locomotives may only be found in museums.

Fortunately, unlike in the past, when honorary chairman Joo-young Chung was forced to enter the automobile market as a latecomer due to the Japanese occupation, Chairman Chung’s Hyundai Motor Group is a leader in the eco-friendly car market. He chose eco-friendly vehicles, urban aviation mobility (UAM), and robotics as the future industries, and this is the result of large-scale investments, talent acquisition, and global companies and alliances.

The figures are proving. According to the Korea Automobile Association, Hyundai Motor Group (198487 units) ranked fourth in the global electric vehicle market last year after Tesla (440,334 units), Volkswagen (381406 units), and GM (221,116 units). did.

It is solidifying its No. 1 position in the global hydrogen car market, the two pillars of eco-friendly cars. According to H2 Research, a market research firm specializing in hydrogen, Hyundai Nexo’s share (based on sales volume) of last year in the global hydrogen electric vehicle market reached 75.1%. This is an increase of 12.2 percentage points from 62.9% last year.

“The global automobile market is rapidly reorganizing around eco-friendly cars,” said Pil-soo Kim, professor of automobile science at Daelim University. As a leader, we will lead the domestic industry.”

‘Ioniq 5′, the first model of’Ioniq’, an electric vehicle brand exclusively for Hyundai Motors. [사진=현대자동차 제공]
