Current account surplus for 10 consecutive months… Influence of fare increase and dividend income increase
SKT Announces Conversion to Intermediate Holding Company from April to May… Introducing’Quarterly Dividend’ to appease ants
[콕e영상] Metals union “Hyundai Heavy Industries is in deficit… Chung Mong-Joon’s family has a dividend party of 290 billion won”
MEDI:GATE NEWS Cheil Pharmaceuticals 14% cash dividend decision and systematic new drug development promotion
Yuhan Corporation resolves cash dividend of 400 won per share at the 98th regular shareholders’ meeting
Samsung Electronics “Upgrades the annual dividend amount to 9.8 trillion won for the next three years”
ISS, an advisory firm for voting rights,’approved all’ on the agenda of Kumho Petrochemical’s management
Woori Finance decided to pay dividend payout ratio of 20% last year… Accepting authorities’ recommendations
Woori Finance also decided dividend payout ratio 20 according to the recommendations of financial authorities